10 Feb 2011

Thankful thursday #1

When the movies rocketed these books to success there was the emergence of both twi-hards and twi-haters causing much controversy and lots of books since have been compared to twilight.
All this, of course, isn't the reason why I'm thankful for them though. Although I've always enjoyed reading, I wasn't the avid reader I am today because I hadn't yet discovered what it is I was really into.
I was reading books passed to me by my parents and chick lit novels by authors such as Chris Manby and Marian Keyes, which, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed but never found them unputdownable.
After reading, and enjoying, the Harry potter books by J.K. Rowling (because i couldn't wait to see how it all ended) I heard about a movie coming out soon called Twilight.
Knowing, like any other reader, that the book is usually better I decided to give something new a try and ordered myself the first book.
Before I was even finished I ordered the rest and finish them in days when they arrived, even staying up until 3am finishing Breaking Dawn, powering through a major reading headache I'd acquired because I just couldn't stop.
I was in love with the series, with Edward, even with rainy dull forks. I immediately dragged my husband to the movie which I loved just as much. I bought and read The Host, then amazon recommended a series called Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead and another book site recommended House of Night, both of which I bought, from there sparked an obsession with fantasy books.
I bought them by the box load and filled up with my shelves and I'm still going today.
So even though I've since read books that may be better than Twilight and if I read it now I may not love it as much as I did then, when it was my introduction to the genre, I'm extremely thankful to the Twilight series and Stephanie Meyer for sparking such a love of books in me that meant I eventually even set up my own book club, followed by this blog.
I read and loved Harry potter first but it was twilight that really had the effect on me and changed my reading forever.
So if you're ever stopping yourself from trying something new maybe you should rethink it, because you never know what could happen.

What books are you thankful for?



  1. The same thing happened to me, so no matter what characters I fell in love with in the meantime, I will always love Twilight for giving me the opportunity to meet them! Yay Stephenie!:))

  2. I know it´s friday but I wasn't able to post yesterday.
    My story is actually similar, I used to read all sorts of books, especially YA and mystery books.
    I live in Mexico and it was difficult to find good books here so whenever I would go to the USA I'd bring back quite a number of books. That's how I picked up The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong.
    The book sat on my shelf for about 10 months before I started reading it. It ends in the worst cliffhanger ever! so I immediately got online and looked for the second installment. I was actually lucky, The Awakening was coming out in a month so I didn't have to wait for so long. The problem now was the year long wait for the third book. I started checking out Kelley's website and found out that she also had an Adult series called the Otherworld.
    At first I wasn't convinced but I really wanted more of thar world so I ordered 1 through 8 from ebay, that way I wouldn't have spent a fortune if I didn't like them. That was definitely not the case, I love them, all the characters were amazing to me and I couldn't get enough so I started looking for similar books and found Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, Richelle Mead... and so many more that made me realize that I love Urban Fantasy.


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