11 Mar 2011

Book blogger hop #4

Book Blogger Hop
Head on over to Crazy-for-books to join the hop.

This weeks question is:
"If I gave you £50 (or $80) and sent you into a bookshop right now, what would be in your basket when you finally staggered to the till?"

Oh, that's actually a tough one since I just spent that much on books last week buying everything that was at the top of my list!
Well there'd definitely be a childrens book in there for my son who's one and loves his books! I've heard a lot of good things about Unearthly by Cynthia Hand lately so maybe that to and a book I was looking at today called Unwind (I forget who by) would probably be in there to!
If your stopping by from the hop leave a link to your post.
I follow back anyone that follows me : )



  1. It is a tough one! I can't pick just a handful of books to buy. And just $80? Totally not enough. LoL.

  2. Wow! What a great question this week. I always peek at other people's book piles at the checkout link at B&N. That doesn't make me a voyeur, does it?

    The exhibitionist in me has posted my own bookstore shopping list -- and it's not as predictable as you may think!

    Hop on over to my blog for all the suspense and chills of my TBR list - http://www.howardsherman.net

    Happy Hop Friday!

    Howard Sherman

  3. Hi!

    I love your little baby widget, it's so cute haha
    Anyways, I'm following via the blog! Feel free to come check out my blog at Themoodyteenager.blogspot.com
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Thanks for stopping by, I chose 3 pictures for my header that I thought would represent the blog. 2 of the pitures are of books and the other one (in the middle) is darker and somewhat sinister. I thought that would do the trick to represent if not my blog, at least myself. That picture always seems to freak out my friends and family though haha

    The Moody Teenager


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