4 Mar 2011

Guest poster Autumn Kylie Lyndsey

Autumn co-admins Read-a-holics on Facebook.

Hey, I'm Autumn. I'm one of three Admins for the Read-a-holics page and an 8th grader.

I've been reading since I was really little, but I wasn't addicted like I am now. I think I started reading like an addiction in 5th grade. No one liked me, I was the outcast and the only place I could find any friends was the books in the school library. It started with R.L. Stine's "The Step Sister" and has escalated into an obsession.

My obsessive reading even turned into a writing dream. I always thought to myself "This person should've went with this person" or "This person should've done this instead of that" and so on. So in 6th grade, I wrote my first Fan-fiction. It definitely escalated into an obsession as well, allowing me to have enough creativity to write full books I came up with on my own.

Anyway, I finally got two good friends, who are now best friends & sisters. Lana & Leah, the other two Admins of the Read-a-holics book club. And they had reading habits, but theirs wasn't an addiction. Not until I kept telling them about the books I read. Then, they were hooked.

So now, we wanted to spread the greatest books with annoying cliffhangers, dumb guys and silly girls, crazy love affairs, and interesting supernatural things, to the world. So, I created Read-a-holics and poof! We suddenly had a place to rant and rave about our crazy books that are must reads.

We constantly post reviews, talk to our fans, try to make our page better, always tell our fans to post books they're reading and liking on our page, and make sure the books on everyone's shelf, are read and talked about.

That is Read-a-holics. :)

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