23 Mar 2011

WANTED - Guest bloggers

In 6 weeks I'm going to be going on Maternity leave! I haven't decided on how long for, probably a week or two, depending on how everything goes! I do plan to write some posts ahead of time and schedule them to post whilst I'm gone but it would be great to have some guest posts to help fill in the gaps to. I'm looking for anyone that's interested in guest posting whether they have a blog or not. You can write about anything you like as long as it's book related, or you can do one of our themed 'How I became a Bookaholic' posts or one of the regular posts I do like Thankful Thursday, worldly covers or whatever! If your interested then email me at bookaholics@live.co.uk with what you'd like to post. All posts must be finalised within a month in order for me to get them up and scheduled to post automatically whilst I'm away.
Thanks : )

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