26 Jun 2011

In my mailbox #1

In my mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by The Story Siren

This is the first time I'm participating in IMM, I was going to add a picture of my bookshelves to show you everything I've bought before this week but I decided against it lol Instead I've just decided to do two weeks worth instead!

13th June - 19th June

First off a trip to the works got me:
Eragon and Eldest by Christopher Paolini box set for £1.99!
Werewolves by Zachary Graves
Also for my son I got:
On my own by Jillian Harker
All in one piece by Jill Murphy
Roary's hide and seek adventure.

Then at Waterstones 3 for 2 table I bought:
Darkness becomes her by Kelly Keaton,
Forgotten by Cat Patrick
Time riders by Alex Scarrow.
Also bought:
Game of thrones: Book one of A song of ice and fire by George R.R. Martin
Enclave by Ann Aguirre
Incarceron by Catherine Fisher.

20th June - 26th June

Bought for my son:
The Cat in the hat and Horton hears a who! by Dr. Seuss.

Won: The iron king by Julie Kagawa.
Bought: Passion by Lauren Kate
My Kindle!!! (Happy birthday to me!) as you can see I also bought a pretty skin for it :)

Bought: Sunrise at sunset by Jaz Primo
Misty Black by Zuleika Arkadie
Free: The Iliad by Homer
Alice's adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

So, What did you get this week?


  1. Wow, great set of books. I loved the Iron King, and I can't wait to read Passion. Also the Eragon series are one of my all time favorite books.
    Here my IMM:

    Happy Reading!:)

  2. Looks like you have some great reads here; pretty jealous. I would love if you checked out my post for IMM :D

    Btw, LOVE THE BLOG... I quickly became a NEW follower.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you,
    Cory @ Anti-Drug Reads

  3. What an wicked Haul!!! I really want to read Darkness becomes her and Forgotten and I love your kindle Skin I still havent for a skin for mine lol

    Here are my Mailboxes

    Love Fantasy's Mailbox

    Mad Hatter's Mailbox

  4. Great set! Congrats on the Kindle. I bought Game of Thrones recently. I can't wait to read it. I really want to read Forgotten too.
    My IMM

  5. Thanks everyone for stopping by,

    Maria, I love iron king to, I actually read it ages ago so when I won this copy I gave away my American copy :) I liked the movie of Eragon and was curious about the books so when I saw them so cheap I couldn't say no!

    Siobhan, both links go to your mad hatter blog lol you should get one, I think they're a bit overpriced but it's easy to apply and makes my kindle look very pretty :)

    Alison, I've already started game of thrones, I've read the equivalent of the first episode and am amazed how well they've stuck to it! Pretty much word for word, all they changed was making a couple of the younger characters a bit older, probably so they could get better actors :)


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!