20 Jul 2011

Follower survey info

I've mentioned a few times now that I'm going to be posting a follower survey about the blog and Facebook page. Well the time has come. Tomorrow at 9pm GMT (That's 24 hours from now) I'll be posting it, I'm giving you fair warning because the incentives we'll be giving out will be on a first come basis. We have 15 in total, most are international but a few are UK only. If I get anything extra between now and then I'll add them to the list so there may be more yet :)
I know your all over the world and I'm sorry to people that won't be able to participate at that time because they'll be in bed or at work but there's not much I can do. Whatever time I post this will be the case for someone.
We'd still be greatful to anyone still willing to fill in the survey after the incentives are gone as it'll help us to see what is and isn't popular and where we can go from there to make a better, funner page/blog for everyone, so the survey will be running for a week.
I promise it's short and most the questions are just multiple choice. So please come and let us know what you think tomorrow.
The first 15 respondants will be contacted in the order they filled it in to choose what they'd like from the following list.

What's up for grabs?
8 copies of The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (Only four will be available for international participants due to postage costs)
3 signed The Keepers bookmarks by Monique O'Connor James
Signed The Magicians guild by Trudi Canavan and Magicians apprentice pin (Sorry, UK only)
2x Bracelet of bones bookmarks
A place of secrets by Rachel Hore.

If you have any questions you can ask them here or email.

1 comment:

Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!