30 Jul 2011

Survey results

Honestly, when I was putting the survey together I was worried nobody would fill it in! So I was pleasantly surprised when we got 55 responses!
Interest questions I asked were, 'How long have you been a fan of the page/blog?' 'What type of books do you typically read?'
These were just to see if we got replies from a variety of fans, which we did, so yay lol
I also asked 'Where did you hear about us?' mostly out of curiosity, it seems most found us on Facebook but others have come via other blogs and from friend recommendations, so it seems we're everywhere lol

Next I asked 'Which of our regular features do you enjoy?' these are the results (participants could pick as many as they liked):
Reviews: 51 votes!
Giveaways: 43 votes
Top ten Tuesday: 21 votes
Wednesdays worldly covers: 19 votes
In my mailbox: 26 votes
Book of the month: 36 votes
Let's write a story Monday: 2 Votes
Book suggestions photo albums: 31 votes
Same difference: 22 votes
Talent corner: 6 votes
The Traveling book: 15 votes

I also asked which features people didn't like, most people did answer 'none' but there were a few that didn't, here's the results:
Reviews: 1 vote
Top ten Tuesday: 1 vote
Wednesdays worldly covers: 3 votes
Let's write a story Monday: 6 votes
Book suggestions photo albums: 1 vote
Same difference: 1 vote
Talent corner: 5 votes

I actually already decided to scrap 'Let's write a story Monday' this week due to lack of interest, well no interest! So I'm glad to see I was right to lol

Next was 'When adding suggestions to the book photo albums would you prefer I...'
Added the blurb for every book in the series: 32 votes
Added the book blurb for just book one: 9 votes
Just added a link for the authors website/blog/FB page: 9 votes
Added no info and just put a link to Goodreads/Amazon: 5 votes

Well I'd say that's pretty unanimous! I'll keep doing what I'm doing!

With four of us on the page I often worry we annoy people with spam so I asked 'Do you think we post...'
Just right: 47 votes
Too much: 2 votes
Not enough: 6 votes

Guess I needn't have worried, we'll try to keep it at the level it's at or below.

And lastly, every month I set two books of the month but I never hear if anyones reading them and stopped setting up discussions for each one some months ago because often there was no response so I asked if people make an effort to read either book of the month:
Yes: 10 votes
No: 9 votes
Sometimes: 36 votes

So based on these results here are the changes we'll be making:
As I've already mentioned I've gotten rid of Let's write a story Monday, all other features at the moment will be staying and they'll be no change to how I add suggestions to the photo albums on Facebook. Because feelings seem to be mixed on The talent corner we considered moving it to a new page of it's own but we just don't have the time so we'll be leaving it how it is. The only thing that's really going to be changing is how the Book of the month will be done which will hopefully make it easier for everyone to participate. I'm going to explain all about that on Monday when I post August's book of the month.

I also wanted to say a big Thanks for all the lovely comments and suggestions, they've all been taken on board and some are being used. Quite a few people mentioned that they sometimes don't get involved simply because they miss posts so as of last week we started a weekly newsletter which you can sign up for using the button on the right (You don't need to be a blog follower to recieve it) which will be a round up of everything that's been happening in the world of Bookaholics that week and stuff coming up, so you need never miss anything again, there will also be some exclusive stuff in there to!

Also you know that the first 15 responses got a gift for participating, those people were:
Stephenie Barker-Drew
Melissa Andrews
Susan Light
Tammy Morrissette Hale
Pam Mandigo
Clarissa P
Vivien (Didn't provide an email address so I'm sorry you got skipped)
Siobhan Phinn
Michelle S
Dawn Slaughter
Yvonne Leacy
Ron Gavalik
Karen Dunnell
If you see your name here but haven't yet been contacted regarding your gift, don't worry I am getting you. I'm working my way down the list so you can pick your gifts in the order you responded and it's taking a while to get some replies :)

1 comment:

  1. Crap lol, sorry about that.
    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com


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