26 Jul 2011

Top ten Tuesday #9

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish

This weeks topic is Top ten books that tackle tough issues.
(I haven't read all of these but the ones I haven't I believe fit the bill)
Entangled by Cat Clarke deals with depression and cutting - You all already know I loved this one! Newer followers can see my review here and a post I wrote about depression inspired by the book here if they want to.
Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler - I recently bought this one because it sounded extremely interesting, it deals with Anorexia and eating disorders.
Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma - another one I've very recently bought, this ones about incest between siblings, I'd never heard of a book about this subject before so I hd to check it out
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson- This one is on my wishlist, I've heard a lot about it, it deals with Rape and one girls struggle to 'speak' about it when it happens to her
Blubber b yJudy Blume - This book deals with bullying, I read it a looong time ago but I remember enjoying it a lot

I should probably call this top five Tuesday cuz that's all I can think up lol
Any suggestions?


  1. How about pretty much any of Ellen Hopkins' books? Crank, Glass, and Fallout all have to do with drug addiction. Tricks deals with sexual abuse and issues. Burned deals with an abusive family within a Mormon community. Impulse is about self-harm and suicide.

    After by Amy Efaw is about a teen girl who becomes pregnant, hides her pregnancy, and then disposes of her baby in a dumpster. She is arrested and placed in prison, and throughout most of the book she is in complete denial about what happened.

    Hate List by Jennifer Brown is about a teen who opens fire on his school injuring and killing many, then turning the gun on himself. His girlfriend is blamed as an accomplice, and ostracized by her schoolmates.

    Before I Die by Jenny Downham is about a girl with a rare and deadly cancer who is given a short time to live. The book is about the things she wants to make sure to do before she dies and how she comes to terms with her disease.

    I could probably think of a lot more! I love reading books in this category, probably because I am currently majoring in psychology! :)

  2. Wow! Thanks I honestly haven't heard of some of these and the ones I had, o didn't know that's what they were about, it's a new genre to me, lots to add to my wish list now!
    Thanks Kary

  3. Wow. Fabulous list of books that others haven't mentioned. I need to read some of them.

    Please visit my blog and sign-up for my first ever giveaway!


  4. Forbidden has been on to many list for me not to read it, very intrigued.

    My Top Ten


  5. Forbidden seems intriguing. You should check out Flowers in the Attic if you enjoyed it.

    Reading Lark's Top 10

  6. I've never seen that particular Speak cover before. Besides Blubber and Speak, I'm not familiar with the rest of your list.

  7. I've read forbidden and speak. Forbidden its a must read. It's heartbreakingly beautiful. Have tissues and don't read outside. Speak is a good book. Real quick but I Prefered the movie.


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