2 Aug 2011

Top ten Tuesday #10

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish, head on over to play along.

This weeks question is:
Top ten trends you'd like to see more or less of.

1. Dystopia - I love Dystopia, I can't get enough! Since reading The hunger games, The maze runner and Inside out I've sought out all the Dystopia books I can find and bought a good chunk of them. I think I have a kind of morbid facination with the fact that the events in some of them really good happen, one day we could destroy ourselves and have to start all over. I also like when there's a revolution, when the main character that stands up to become a leader and when they rebel against the society or whoever is oppressing them! So if you have good Dystopia recommendations leave them here so I can put them on my wishlist!!

2. Strong women - That is female characters that don't need a man to get through the book, that completely kick ass and take names, for example Rosemarie Hathaway (Vampire academy) and Yelana Zaltana (The study series)

3. Vampires - I don't care how many vampire books there are, and how sick of them you are, I love vampires and I want more!

4. Gorgeous covers - Just because lol

5. J.K Rowling - Pleeeease write another book!

6. Crossovers - Steampunk dystopia anybody? Or a fantasy sci-fi? I read a book once (The fire inside) that was a book that felt like a comic without pictures and it was also fantasy and thriller, that was pretty cool


7. Love triangles - Seriously if I have to read another book where a girl feels sooo hard done by because she has to pick between to gorgeous heros and then picks the one we all knew she would I'm going to vomit!

8. Books being compared to Twilight - Yeah I loved Twilight, I also love the Twilight movie but that doesn't mean I'm going to read something just because it says something along the lines of 'Twilight fans will love this!' on the cover. Twilight was great but when did it become the standard all books are compared to?

9. Modern re-tellings of childrens fairy tales -I'm not actually saying I don't like these, I have a few and I've read some but I'd prefer to read something original if I'm honest

10. Bad movie adaptions - If you've decided to make a movie of a book it must be because that book is awesome, so why change it?

So what do you think? Do you agree, disagree with any of these?
Leave a link to your top ten and I'll come visit

1 comment:

  1. I have yet to read a dystopia book and I don't know why. I need to get on that. I'v been told to start with The Hunger Games, so we'll see. Great list!


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