23 Aug 2011

Top ten Tuesday #11

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish
This weeks it's

Top ten books you loved but never wrote a review for.

Well I've been reading for a lot longer than I've been reviewing so my list will be books I've loved but not reviewed since I started reviewing in January.

1. Poison study by Maria V. Snyder - This is one of my all time favourites and although I first read it a couple of years ago I re-read it this year and still didn't write a review for it.

2. Gone by Michael Grant - I'm not sure why I didn't write a review for this book because it was amazing, I've since read the second book as well and liked it just as much but didn't review that either lol

3. The throne of fire by Rick Riordan - This one I read when I was on my maternity leave in May that's why it didn't get reviewed but I loved it!

4. My soul to keep by Rachel Vincent - This is another one I read during my maternity leave but I enjoyed it as much as the first two books which I have reviewed so I might write one for it before book four comes out so I can review that to.

5. Hex hall by Rachel Hawkins - This one I actually read during my hospital stay but it was great and really funny.

6. Raising demons by Rachel Hawkins (AKA Demonglass) - And I read this as soon as I got home lol Equally great and funny, can't wait for book three!

7. The gathering by Kelley Armstrong - I didn't enjoy this as much as I enjoyed the darkest powers series but I did still like it but I also read this one during my hospital stay.

8. Tales of ancient Egypt by Roger Lancelyn Green - This book was really interesting, I read it after reading the throne of fire to learn more about the mythology behind the book, it's my third mythology book by this author, I just love how he writes, it's simple but not "child" simple so you don't feel your just reading a childrens book.

9. Bite club by Rachel Caine - This one I read just before I went on maternity leave so there wasn't time to write a review lol But I really enjoyed it as much as the rest of the series.

10. The Twilight saga: The official illustrated guide by Stephenie Meyer - Wow I didn't realise I'd read so many books during the couple of weeks I took off! I was surprised at how big this book was when I got it, it's got loads of interesting things in it, I skimmed some bits but mostly I did actually read through it, it's a lot better than most book guides.

1 comment:

  1. Great top ten list. I've read a few but not many. I just started reviewing in January as well.


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