30 Aug 2011

Top ten Tuesday #12

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.
This weeks top ten is:

Top Ten Books That Are On The Top Of My TBR List For Fall
(Or Autumn to my fellow Brits!)

Well I have my review pile of books and I have my own personal pile of books so I think I'll pick my top ten from the ones I own.
These are in no particular order other than the order I spotted them whilst checking out my shelves.

  1. Divergent by Veronica Roth - This ones at the very top I've been dying to read it for ages but I got overrun with review books and have been working my way throught them and am now starting to see light at the end of the tunnel lol
  2. Wither by Lauren DeStefano - Another one I've wanted to get to for a while
  3. Passion by Lauren Kate - I preordered this and got it on release yet still haven't read it!
  4. Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini - I'm not sure but I think this has something to do with Greek mythology and you all know I love mythology
  5. Forbidden by Tabitha Sazuma - I've heard I'll cry my eyes out with this so I'm saving it for when I fancy a sob fest
  6. Awaken by Katie Kacvinsky - I'm real excited by this one I've not heard of anything like it
  7. Hourglass by Myra McEntire - I've wanted this for soooo long and finally got it this week and it's gone right to the top of the 200+ on my tbr
  8. Incarceron by Catherine Fisher - And another one I just really wanna read!
And there are just so many more I have sitting on the shelf that I really wanna read plus ones that will be coming out but theses are right there at the top and will likely get read before the year is out rather than the end of Autumn (I hope)

Leave a link to your top ten so I can check it out :)


  1. I just got Forbidden in from my local library after a friend recommended it to me. I think it's going to be one of those difficult type reads.

  2. Nice list! I actually have all of those on either my shelf or Kindle waiting to be read, too, except for Halfway to the Grave and Hourglass, both of which I've read and would highly recommend!

  3. Divergent and Wither are AMAZING. They are two of my favourite reads of this year :) Passion and Forever are also really good sequels - looks like you've got a great TBR! :D

  4. i really enjoyed divergent and i hope you do too. awesome list!!

    i hope you can stop by and check out my top ten list this week.


  5. I wish I could put the sequel to Divergent on my soon-to-read list!

    It was easy to put together my Top Ten list this week,Top Ten Books That Are at the Top of My TBR for Fall! And tomorrow is the last day to sign up for the Readerbuzz August Giveaway!

  6. This is a great list, ive read a few of those and loved.

    Yara @ Once Upon a Twilight!

  7. Ahh, I've had Hourglass sitting on my shelf for quite a while; I'm also really excited to read it.

    my list

  8. #1,7,9 i have read good reviews on. Hope you find those enjoying.
    here's my list

  9. I definitely want to read a few of the books on your list. I don't really have a fall list right now. It is too overwhelming to think about.

  10. YES, YES, YES, YES, YES! Halfway to the Grave is a MUST!!! You will LURVEEEE Bones! :) - Donna

  11. I really want to read Forbidden as well. I got it out from the library a while ago but never got round to reading it. Hopefully I can pick it up again soon!

    Books of Amber

  12. Donna is so right. Bones is amazing!!! And Cat too. This should definitely go to the top of your list. I defy you not to love Bones. It is a sin I say. A SIN!!! Wait...he is a sin! I feel a fangirl moment coming. *hyperventilates* =)

    I'm currently reading book 5 in this series.


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