13 Sept 2011

Top ten Tuesday #14

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish
This weeks top ten is:

Top ten books I read because of other bloggers

1. Outpost by Adam Baker - I'd never heard of this until a couple of weeks ago when Annmarie at Best books had it in her 'In my mailbox' post, it sounded good and a bit different from my normal read so I requested a copy myself and loved it so much! (My review)

2. The maze runner by James Dashner - This one wasn't actually from a blogger but a follower of my Facebook page, I'm pretty sure it was Jennifer Kalman who picked this to be one of our books of the month last year, I'd not heard of it at the time but I got it and read it and loved loved loved it! I bought a US copy right away to read after because it wasn't available here yet and I'll be doing the same with the final book when it comes out soon, I can't wait!

3. The Morganville vampires series by Rachel Caine - I actually had this series sitting on my shelf for a while before I finally decided to read them knowing that Siobhan at Totally bookalicious loved them, I read the 9 books that were available at the time in two weeks and really enjoyed them.

4. Forgive my fins by Tera Lynn Childs - This one I was kinda interested in for a while but never got around to buying it until Donna at Book passion for life told me how much she liked it so I requested it but accidentally asked for the first one which the publishers sent me so then I bought the first one and read them both and thought they were great. (My reviews)

They're the only ones I can think of from the top of my head that were because of individual people, there are plenty more that I've bought and not read yet and even more that are because I saw them all over!


  1. Forgive My Fins is a book I've seen all over the blogosphere. I don't think I'd have run across this title elsewhere.

    Here's my list, Top Ten Books I Read Because of Another Reader. I'd also invite you to sign up for the contest to win a $25 Amazon giftcard this month at my blog.

  2. Forgive my Fins . . . that is an interesting title. I love the book blogging community just because you can always find a blog that brings a great book to your attention. have a nice day. kaye—the road goes ever ever on

  3. I really enjoyed reading Forgive My Fins. I love Quince and Lily!

    Here's mine: The Blair Book Project Top Ten


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