11 Oct 2011

Top ten Tuesday #18

Top ten Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish
This weeks list is

Top Ten Books I Wish I Could Read Again For The First Time

1. Poison study by Maria V. Snyder - I'm sure your really surpirsed to see this author at the top of the list lol She's my favourite author and this book is why, when I started it I'd never heard of her and it was before I entered the online book community so I'd never heard anything about it either, I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting much when I started so what I got when I'd finished was amazing! I loved this book and everything about it so much and that was made better by original assumptions which were blown out of the water but I'd love to go back and read it again with that perspective so that I could be surprised all over again. (I want to add the rest of her books to the list but I won't lol)

2. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater - I got this when it came out, then it sat on my shelf for so long that the second book was out when I finally got to reading it and instantly kicked myself for not having read it sooner because it was a wonderful, I fell in love with the characters and the setting so it would be great to go through that again.

3. Harry Potter - Does this one really need explaining!

4. The host by Stephenie Meyer - I was going to say Twilight but then I thought of The host, Meyers often forgotten novel because it's so overshadowed by Twilight, whilst Twilight did have an effect on me so did this one, I got so wrapped up in everthing that happened and cried at the end - a lot! I'd love to go back and discover this one over again.

5. Entangled by Cat Clarke - The description for this book doesn't say a lot but it did sound interesting so I bought it but I didn't read it until a friend, who sometimes picks what to read next for me when I can't decide myself, picked it. Man did I wish I'd read this one right away. The book follows Grace who has depression and cuts herself, both things I have experience with so I immediately connected with her and understood all the things she did, I was stuck to this book until the end and cried so many times, for lots of reasons, when I was finished it stuck with me for days until I finally wrote a post about my own experiences, it felt great to get that stuff off my chest and since then I've been trying to push this book on everyone lol (You can read that post HERE should you wish.)

6. It by Stephen King - Reading this book I was honestly scared to turn off the light at bedtime, it's so creepy and scary, I watched the movie after, aside from Tim Curry, it doesn't do the book justice... at all!

7. Outpost by Adam Baker - This is a more recent read and the only other book ever to freak me out to the point of not wanting to go to bed. I actually struggled at the start to get into it but I'm glad I followed through because it was amazing and really had me thinking at the end, I was so glad I finished it and would be happy to learn that lesson again.

8. The Da Vinci code by Dan Brown - I actually started this one then put it down a quarter in, unable to get into it, months later I watched the movie and many more months later I picked up the book to take out the bookmark and ended up devouring the rest of the book! I don't know why I couldn't get into it that first time but I was completely excited reading it the second time, so even though it took me a long time to read I really enjoyed it and I'd go through that again lol

There are many more books that I loved but these are the ones that were more of a surprise and had a lasting effect on me so I'm leaving my list at eight.

What books would you love to discover for the first time again?



    Sorry for screaming incomprehensibly. Poison Study would be my #1 also - I just re-read it and I love it all over again.

  2. Poison Study is near the top of my TBR pile; after seeing a few people list it today I need to get it read!

  3. Oh everyone keeps telling me to read Poison Study. I purchased the book but still have it on my TBR.

    Same with Entangled, which I got from Book Depository since it still isn't here in the U.S.

    I love that you have It by Stephen King. And no, the movie does NOT do it justice.

    Ha, great list! Although I would rather get a first read on one of the later HP books than the first one. They kept getting better as the series went on!

  4. I haven't seen the IT movie. But I think, aside from a few good ones like Carrie, most of the Stephen King movies don't do justice to the original books. Besides, in my opinion, very few things can compare to the awesomeness of the way King writes, anyway!
    Happy Reading!

  5. This is the first time I've seen The Da Vinci Code on a list. Great choice. Love your list.

  6. That's funny about your experience with DaVinci Code. Who would ever have thought that a book could be better after the movie?! But I am an advocate of putting books down when they just aren't working. Life's too short.

  7. Great list! I'm going to have to pick up Maria's book now!


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