1 Nov 2011

Top ten Tuesday #21

Top ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The broke and the bookish.
This weeks list is:

'Top Ten Books I Had VERY Strong Emotions About'

1. Entangled by Cat Clarke (Review) - I bet your sick of seeing this book on all my lists lol But it really did have a big effect on me and I cried like a baby!

2. Blood promise by Richelle Mead - Another one that had me sobbing, if you've read it then you know exactly what I mean!

3. New moon by Stephenie Meyer - And yet another that I cried with, that part at the begining (avoiding spoilers in case there's one person on the planet that doesn't know what happened) I wasn't expecting that and I had to stop for a break to dry my eyes.

4. Hourglass by Claudia Gray - The end of this book is just heart wrenching.

5. The power of six by Pittacus Lore (Review) - I was literally trying to shake the ending out of this book convinced that it couldn't possibly ended like that... but it did. I need the next book so bad! But at least I didn't cry at this one - I cried at the end of 'I am number four' lol

6. Outpost by Adam Baker (Review) - This one I was still thinking about for days after. It's not just a (very) scary zombie book, it really asks, and answers, questions about how people would react, what they would be willing to do to survive and who would make it and it doesn't hold back.

7. The green mile by Stephen King - I read this after I'd seen the movie a ton of times so I knew what was going to happen, but I still got swept by emotions and, yeah, I cried - I'm a cryer lol

8. Nation by Terry Pratchett - It's funny, this one took me a few chapters to get into but when I was done I couldn't get it out of my head. It really is about a journey and you travel it with the character, it was very touching.

9. The host by Stephenie Meyer - I usually try to not put two books from the same author on a top ten list but I just had to add this one. Stephenie Meyer does a brilliant job writing all the emotions in this book that gave me a deep connection with the characters, it was hard to shake off when I finished it.

10. Fire by Kristin Cashore - Ah-maze-ing!

What books affected you?


  1. Oh, I loved Fire by Kristen Cashore too! Have you read Graceling? It's pretty good, but I think that Fire was better. :)

  2. New Moon made my list and while I did not read The Green Mile the movie sure had me emotional. Great list

  3. New Moon made my list, but for a very different reason!

    My Top Ten List

  4. I don't think I've read any of these. Thanks for listing them.

  5. I have got to read Entangled. I ordered it from The Book Depository and I've been dying to read it.

    Anything Vampire Academy related is always amazing.

    And I had no idea that the Power of Six had such a great ending. I have GOT to finish that book ASAP.

    I loved the Green Mile. I read it when it was released as a serial novel. I just felt so bad for the mouse. It was so sad.

    Loved the books way more than the movie, but that always happens with Stephen King and me.

    Awesome list.

  6. Great list! The start of New Moon really got me too, and the bit with the month names on pages - very clever.

    My top ten is here if you'd like a look :)

  7. I totally know what you're talking about Shadow Kiss!! I felt the same!

    I feel the same about New Moon. But your comment about it? OMG I almost fell from the chair!! hahaha I love it! You're awesome!

    If you want to see my list:


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