8 Nov 2011

Top ten Tuesday (22)

Top ten Tuesday is an original feature hosted by The broke and the bookish
This week it's:

Ten books I read that were out of my comfort zone

1. Invisible by Paul Auster - This was one of our books of the month (a feature I don't do anymore) last year, and feeling I should try everything I was suggesting to people I picked up a copy. It's somthing I would usually not look at twice if I'm honest but I do like to try new things and I was getting into it at first but then it took a turn for the worse and I just found it really boring and gave up a little over a quarter in I think, but at least I can say I tried.

2. Mister Creecher by Chris Priestly (Review) - This one wasn't my typical read (obviously lol) and I might never have come across it if a friend hadn't asked me to guest review it for her blog but I totally glad she did because I really enjoyed it and already have another book by the author sitting patiently on my tbr pile.

3. The Odyssey by Homer - Waaaay out of my comfort zone! But after going nuts for Greek mythology after I read the Percy Jackson books I wanted to give this a shot since it was referenced to death and actually, I loved it! I thought it would be difficult to get into but I found it wasn't and I'm dying for a re-read and at some point I need to read The Iliad, which I have on my Kindle.

4. The fire inside by Raymond Rose (Review) - Honestly, I hate anything that's even slightly crime precedural or, like, investigations. I don't know why, it's just not my thing. So when the author asked if I would review this I had to think long and hard about it before eventually saying yes because it did sound like it had something more. I did end up, not loving it, but enjoying it and would give the next book a go.

5. The magicians guild by Trudi Canavan - I wasn't sure that I would like this book and it turned out I was right. I gave up halfway but undeterred I've since bought a simlair style book by a different author because I think it was the book itself I didn't like, it was way to slow moving for me.

6. Poison study by Maria V. Snyder - At the time that I read this it was out of my comfort zone because I'd never read anything like it before so I was totally wary starting it, now she's my favourite author - go figure!

7. Outpost by Adam Baker (Review) - I don't really read a lot of horror and zombies creep me out and this one just seemed so far from what I would normally read but for some reason I was still intrigued so I read it and loved it so much!

8. A Christmas carol by Charles Dickens - After seeing countless adaptions of this I decided last Christmas that I wanted to try out the book and the see the original story for myself. I ended up really enjoying it and definitely wanting to try out more classics and I'm planning a re-read this Christmas.

9. Entangled by Cat Clarke (Review) - Regulars will already know how much I loved this book, but I was actually wary when I first startd it, I hadn't read much YA fiction before and never anything dealing with serious issues so I had no idea how I'd feel about it but I picked it up because of the issue it dealt with and I'm glad I did, I've since bought a few other YA books that deal with serious issues but I've not got to reading them yet.

10. Stray by Rachel Vincent (Review) - Before this Urban fantasy had been quite hit and miss for me (mostly miss) so I really wasn't sure I'd like this but having loved Rachels YA soul screamers series I wanted to give it a go and it turned out to be a really great series, I read all six books back to back.

Well I tried to avoid the usual suspects but they snuck in anyway lol
Book links go to Goodreads and Review links go to reviews (If you didn't guess!)

What books did you read that were out of your comfort zone? 


  1. I really enjoyed 'Poison Study'! You have a great list here. :)

  2. I picked up Poison Study at an author event/signing and haven't gotten around to it yet because it pretty different from most things I read. But I've heard such amazing things about it I'm going to have to bump it up the TBR

  3. Great list! Poison Study made mine as well, I totally love her books now plus I read fantasy which I never did before. So she gets extra props for being the gateway to Pratchett. I loved Stray too, although it's very similar to Bitten by Kelley Armstrong.

  4. The Odyssey is a must-read classic that I still haven't gotten to yet. I'm glad to hear you liked it - maybe I should get over my fear of Really Old Stuff and read it already!

  5. I like how Maria V. Snyder became one of your favorites that is awesome!!

  6. I haven't read The Odyssey yet. I will have to try it.
    Here's my post


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