16 Dec 2011

Audio Friday #6 - Variant - Review

Audio (every other) Friday is where i post an audio review every fortnight switching between myself and Wanda, one of your fellow followers so that we post one review each a month.
This week it's my turn
Variant by Robison Wells
Read by Michael Goldstrom
Available now.

What's it about?
Benson Fisher thought a scholarship to Maxfield Academy would be the ticket out of his dead-end life.
He was wrong.
Now he’s trapped in a school that’s surrounded by a razor-wire fence. A school where video cameras monitor his every move. Where there are no adults. Where the kids have split into groups in order to survive.
Where breaking the rules equals death.
But when Benson stumbles upon the school’s real secret, he realizes that playing by the rules could spell a fate worse than death, and that escape—his only real hope for survival—may be impossible.

My review
On the narrator: At first I found the narrator did read a bit quick for me but once I got into I got used to his quick style and was able to follow the story.

On the book: I really liked this book and when I found out the reasons for the school, well lets say I did not see it coming! The ending was great also and all of the middle lol the book kept me listening throughout without feeling bored and wishing I had more washing up to do so I could listen for longer! There were parts I didn't anticipate that were shocking and I was really anxious to find out more as the book went on.
I liked the main guy Benson, when he decides he wants to do something, he really goes for it. Although he can do it without the thought of others which is also a bad point, but it's always good when characters aren't perfect. The way the school was run was really interesting and so was the different students reactions, the group that chooses to participate to avoid detention and the group that wants to rebel, though they don't really make a serious effort. It was something I haven't seen before and that made it unique for me. The ending was great and I can't wait to read/listen to more!

On the cover: I do like this cover, it certainly gives the feel of the book and the tagline is intriguing. I really like the blue tinge over everything and that it's all slightly blurred.

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  1. I'm really excited to get to this one - I plan to very soon - because I rarely don't see the twists coming and everyone seems to be surprised with this one. Great review!

    Xpresso Reads

  2. Lol I almost always figure them out so I love when a book surprises me :)


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