6 Dec 2011

Top ten Tuesday (25)

Top ten Tuesdays is hosted by The broke and the bookish

This weeks top ten is :

'Childhood Favourites'

Whilst I did read when I was younger I did read like I do so I don't think my list will reach ten but lets see.

1. Goosebumps by R.L Stine - The link goes to the first book in the series but I'm including them all as a pick since I didn't have a firm favourite. These short horror stories for young readers were great and I read tons of them in my early teens and even before that, some of them more than once, in fact I even have about 60 of them that I'd still read now.

2. Tiger eyes by Judy Blume - I don't remember a lot about the story of this one but I always remember it being the first book that made me cry, it follows 15 year old Davey dealing with the grief of recently losing her father when he is murdered. I read quite a few Judy Blume books but this is the one I remember the most, if I ever come across a copy someday I'd love to go back for a re-read.

3. Goodnight Mister Tom by Michelle Magorian - Actually this one was a required school read, we had to read it class but I got so wrapped up I couldn't wait and finished it early at home, thinking on it, it's probably the second book that ever made me cry, it was such a sad story, I did watch a tv adaption a few years later but it just wasn't the same.

4. What Katy did by Susan Coolidge - I never realised this series went beyond the three books about Katy, which I read when I was younger of course, until I was just getting the link on Goodreads, I'm going to have to go back and see if I can pick them all up somewhere so I can finish off the series. Well the three books I did read follow (you guessed it) Katy as she goes from a hot tempered young girl and grows into a woman. It's a great series for young girls that I'd like to share with my girls when they're older.

5. The railway children by E. Nesbit - Another one I don't really remember what happened in it but I know that I really enjoyed reading it.

Well I did read other books when I was younger but I wouldn't consider them having been favourites so I'm going to leave this list at five.

What were some of your childhood favourites?
Leave a link to your post, if you don't participate or have a blog then just comment and tell me :)


  1. Nice list. I haven't read any of the Katy books yet, but I think they are on the 1001 Children's Books list. Thank you!

    Here's my Top Ten!

  2. I totally agree with the Goosebumps series! Nice list!

  3. So many awesome books! I loved Goodnight Mr Tom too, but I think I was given it by a relative rather than in school.

    My Top Ten is here if you'd like a look :)

  4. Excellent choices - I chose a Blume book too!
    Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. :)

  5. I LOVE the Katy books! I was thinking the other day about starting another re-read, and trying to find the books about Clover and about Rose Red. I hope I can find those ones soon.

    I'm glad to see someone else enjoyed those ones too!


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