21 Jan 2012

In Mists mailbox (30)

In my mailbox is hosted by Kristi @ The story siren.
It's a regular meme where we share the books we have gotten.

16th Jan - 22nd Jan

As you can see I cut out some bits where I just rambled on to make the video shorter lol
Books mentioned
Divergent by Veronica Roth - from HarperCollins
For review

Kindle freebie

This week in review
(There seemed to be a bit of confusion last week, 'this week in review' is the reviews that have been posted this week on the blog, in case your interested in reading them, not books I have gotten)

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. oh my God, OMG OMG OMG Harry Potter!!! Pretty and awesome just as I imagined them *drops dead* *cries a little* haha WOW!!!! oooh God.

    A Witch in Winter looks so pretty and sounds good. Same with Speellbound I've read it's REALLY good..lucky duck.
    And Divergent, ¨*dies again* I want to read this one badly.

    Nice haul, as always! =) *picks jaw from the floor*

  2. Great week Mist! I can not wait to get stuck into Legend!!! :)

    PS LOVE the new look for the blog....looks awesome. ~ Donna

  3. You always get so many wonderful books, many that I haven't heard of. I'll definitely check out your review for Juggernaut and see if that might be a book I'll enjoy!

    I love your paperback edition of Divergent. I love the cover much more than the US one. I think it's the colors. Though I love the US cover for Insurgent....

    Have a happy reading week!

  4. The Harry Potter boxset? Jealous! I've seen the collection with gorgeous covers and gold pages [not the whole page, just the edges], do you have those ones?
    Happy reading.(:

  5. Awesome haul! I prefer the adult Harry Potter covers too, and my sister brought me the paperback set last year! Legend sounds awesome and I'm looking forward to seeing what you think about Ashes, Ashes.

    My mailbox is here if you'd like a look :)

  6. I looove the Harry Potter book set, so pretty! I have all the hardcovers but they're the kids' version. I love them though lol. I saw on Amazon a long time ago this book set that comes in a trunk like Harry's, I'd love to have that someday. I really want to read A Witch in Winter, I've seen it around a lot but haven't actually heard much about it other than people wanting to read it, so I'll be anxious to hear what you think. And I was actually going to ask about the March auction, so I'm glad you mentioned it!

    My IMM: http://sweetmarie-83.blogspot.com/2012/01/imm-week-20-in-which-i-gush-about-maddy.html

  7. Great IMM list! You've got to read Divergent, it's awesome!

    Don't forget to enter my Dragon's Oath Audiobook Giveaway
    Jez's Bookcase

  8. I liked Ashes, Ashes - it's a little different to some of the recent dystopia's I've read recently.

    I'm with you on the Divergent cover, I didn't really like it to begin with but it's growing on me too. Looking forward to your review of Juggernaut!

    If you don't want Trieste and are willing to send it across to the Netherlands, I'd be interested :-)

    My IMM @ The Aussie Zombie

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I loved Legend! I have not heard of Mockingbird, but it sounds interesting. I'lll have to check it out. Happy reading!

    My IMM

  11. Legend was amazing. Hope you enjoy it too!
    Happy Reading!
    My IMM post
    A Beautiful Madness

  12. Great set! So cool that you got HP collection set. I'm jealous.
    My IMM

  13. OMG!!!!
    your mail box ROCKED this week sooooo good!!!!!!
    Ashes, Ashes!!
    I've been wanting that book for a while now!
    Divergent...don't kill me but I actually haven't read that one...it isn't here T_T
    you got by Lisa Mc..... OMG! I'm dying to read ANYTHING by her!!!

    Now Trieste...that sounds a little bit like Triste in spanish which is Sad in english... that's just the kind of read for my Mom *_* and I love that cover! bummer that you got it...that's also not me thing either >.< it really has to like capture me and hold me there if I ever were to read a book like that lol

    thanks so much for stopping by my IMM I think this is the very first time you stopped by BEFORE I came here to yours!
    We rock!!! haha finally added the reading pile to the video!!! >.<

    P.S. OMG! I love how you say cover...I think my next language to learn is: BRITISH ENGLISH!!!!! I ROCK! hahahaha
    happy reading lady!

  14. Amazing IMM as usual. I keep looking at the boyfriend thief. Can't wait to hear what you think. :)


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