29 Jan 2012

Undead - Review

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What's it about?
Being new at school bites. But at least it doesn't kill you. Mostly.
Bobby thinks she might well be on the School Trip from Hell. Too bad she's a noob, too bad her classmates don't rate her weirdo accent and too bad that Scotland is having the worst blizzard since the Ice Age. Looks like she's going to be on this school bus for a quite a while; could things get much worse?
Yep. They could.
Inexplicably, her classmates start dying...and then they come back to life again...and what's more, they're very, very hungry.
With nowhere to run and no contact with the outside world, Bobby is thrown together with a raggle-taggle group of survivors at a roadside café. There's indie kid drop-out Smitty, the class beauty queen Alice, dweeby Pete and two near useless adults: a half-conscious bus driver and a volatile petrol station attendant.
The frenemies struggle to stay alive - through explosions, deadly battles and a breakneck chase through the snowbound wilderness. Somehow they have to make it to safety - and get some answers - no matter what the cost.
Can they survive the Undead? And each other?

My review
Undead is a fun, witty, exciting story and I loved every minute. Right from the first lines it had me laughing out loud at Bobby's sarcastic inner monologue, I'm pretty sarcastic myself so we had a lot in common.
The book quickly jumps into the story and is fast paced right the way through keeing me engrossed in the book until I finished making it a quick read. There was a good bit of mystery to as to why everyone has been infected and I loved the conclusion and how it ended.
I found there was a good mix of characters that all kept the story going, the 'core' characters, Bobby, Smitty, Pete and Alice were really diverse and were pretty funny together, none of them were originally friends but this bizarre situation has left them having to work together to survive but that doesn't mean they have to like each other and even with the apocalypse looming they bicker about the best way to do things which gave the book a light tone throughout.
So I guess this review has ended up pretty short but there isn't much more I can say, I really loved it and thought it was hilarious and am anxious to see what the author comes up with next.

My thoughts on the cover
Sometimes plain covers can be boring and sometimes they can be pretty cool, this one falls into the latter for me. I love the zombies in the title, particularly the one in the 'B' with the weird stance lol I like the tag line to, it really represents the humour of the book.

Favourite quotes

'Mr Taylor's head snaps up. He sees us. Letting out a long groan, he stretches his hands out and heads directly towards the bus.
He looks... hungry.'

'We don't know it's true that they died. For all we know, this is some whacked-out haggis 'flu.' I'm saying it, but I'm not entirely buying it.' - Bobby.

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  1. I haven't heard too much about this book but I've seen it around. Sounds cool! Great review.

  2. I love reading about sarcastic characters. I always have so much more fun.


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