19 Feb 2012

In Mists mailbox (32) - The three week edition

In my mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi @ The story siren where we share the books we have gotten.

30th Jan - 19th Feb

So I know I said I wasn't going to do an IMM during January because I'm taking a break to focus on some personal projects but the books are just piling up and I didn't want to be there forever in two weeks time trying to cut a video that probably still would be to long lol So I decided to do a mid Feb one of the books I have gotten in the last three weeks.
It's just quickie, so no video, just pictures and no links, sorry!

Here's the overview shot!

For review
The look by Sophia Bennett - Already read this one and it's fab, the review will be up in a couple of weeks.
Bloodrose by Andrea Cremer - Love this series, I'm soooo excited!
Unravelling by Elizabeth norris - Sounds really good
Bunheads by Sophie Flack - This was a random one, not typically a book I'd pick up and buy but I will read it!
The witch of Turlingham academy by Ellie Boswell - Another random one, set for a younger audience and sounds fun.
Invincible by Sherrilyn Kenyon - And the last random one, I haven't read the first yet but I have it so now I can read both!
Every other day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes - I really enjoyed Raised by Wolves so I'm excited for this.
Forbidden and Forgiven by Jana Oliver - Haven't read the first book but I have it so I'll be able to read all three books in a row :)

Fallen in love by Lauren Kate - I still haven't read Passion, I'm so behind!
Article 5 by Kristen Simmons - Ahhhh so excited to read this!
Everneath by Brodi Ashton - I already read this one and wasn't a fan :(
Someone else's life by Katie Dale - Also read this one, it's awesome!
Night school by C.J. Dougherty - Sounds really good.
Lenobias vow by P.C. and Kristin Cast - Another series I'm behind on, I still haven't read Destined or the other novella.
Heaven by Christoph Marzi - Also sounds great :)

Hellhole by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson - Swapped with someone on GR, I love end of the world stuff!
Before I fall by Lauren Oliver - though I didn't love Delirium I've heard this is amazing and I wanted to give it a try so I swapped with Nicole who's admin on the page for something.
Fated by Sarah Alderson - This is a loan swap with someone on GR so I need to hurry and read it and send it back!
Tempest by Julie Cross - This and the next two I swapped with Donna from Book passion for life
Nailed by Jennifer Laurens
The killable by Gemma Malley

I forgot to include this one in the picture, I also got a pb copy of Toxic treacle by Echo Freer for review which I just finished reading today so it was sitting around somewhere else in the house and I forgot to grab it lol It's pretty good and I'll have a review up soon.

I also got Candor by Pam Bachorz on audio which I'm currently listening to and ebooks of Cloaked by Alex Flinn and Exiled by Rashelle Workman

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. Holy moly that's a lot of books! You have quite a few books that are on my TBR list and I can't wait to see what you think of it!

  2. Wow a great haul of books and I am very jealous of most of them :) Hope you enjoy your new books :)

  3. oh wow good thing you did a mid feb. or else it would be madness LOL by the end of the month. haha.

    Article 5, Everneath! And omg Forsaken and Forgiven :( lucky. I loved the 1st. one and dying to read the other two books in the series. I won book #2 but more like, I was tricked. :(

    The Look is so PINK!! I love it, and want it badly...just because of your rating :) -can't wait for your review-

    No vid! I'm so sad haha...but it's probably better for my sanity not see all those books in real life. ;)

  4. lots of good books. :) i love that white cover on "Tempest" i have the blue colored one and love it but that white, that just looks awesome.

  5. WOW! I'm dying of jealousy here. LOL. I love your HUGE pile! I can't even pick one specifically to mention 'coz I love them all!!!

    Happy reading! Enjoy them all.

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  6. That's quite a pile of books! I don't even know where to start with them you have so many good ones! Happy reading. :)

    Nerd Girls at Books to the Sky

  7. I can't wait to read Fallen In Love! It sounds so good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Come check out my IMM!



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