29 Apr 2012

In Mists mailbox (40)

In my mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The story siren where we share the books we have received.

23rd Apr - 29th Apr

Books mentioned
For review
The immortal rules by Julie Kagawa

I also got an audiobook this week, Tomorrow, when the war began by John Marsden

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. The Cook sounds really good! Its title doesn't ring a bell so thanks for the recommendation :) Enjoy your books Mist!

    Here's my haul for this week.

  2. Wow great books this week! Adorkable is on my to read list! And can I just say: Holy ton of books in the background?!?! Wow!


    Melanie @ Reviews of YA Lit
    In My BookBag

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I really can't wait to read Elemental, I am looking forward to your review :D
    Good haul this week. Check out what I got this week

  5. Tomorrow When the War Began is one of my favourite books from my teenage years. I saw the movie a few months ago and loved that too. If you enjoy it you should definitely check out the rest of the series.

    What I got this week: The Sunday Session

  6. Tomorrow When The War Began was one of my favourite books as a teenager and I thought the movie was great too - I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did! The Immortal Rules I also recently finished and loved so enjoy!

    My IMM for the week:

    Happy Reading!

  7. A great incoming of books this week! I always enjoy your vlogs.

    (Due to the plagarism by The Story Siren, I am no longer supporting the IMM meme or following her blog, I am now following a new theme at Tynga's blog, called Stacking The Shelves. I've followed you for a while and I did not come to your blog through a link from TSS's blog)

  8. I want to read Elemental and Adorkable really bad! :) Great set of books you got this week! Hope you enjoy your books & Stop By My IMM Post

  9. Lots of great books! I still need to get a copy of The Immortal Rules and see what it is all about! Happy reading!

    You can check out what I got Here!!

  10. So many awesome books, so little time! This haul looks amazing!

    Thanks for sharing!

    My IMM
    Renae @ Rolling with the Moments

  11. Great books! I especially want to read the Immortal Rules and Adorkable (: You have a new follower!

    Would love it if you could check my post out :D
    My IMM

  12. Tomorrow 's cover is beautiful, nice selection if you want to see what I got in my mailbox click on my name.

  13. Loved your IMM! I can't wait to read The Immortal Rules. I've got to look your other ones up now! Thanks!
    Joy @ Book Lagniappe

  14. Elemental looks really good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week. Here's my IMM!


    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  15. Immortal Rules was awesome and I look forward to your review of Elemental. Such a great week for you..enjoy them all. You can check out my news for the week on The Sunday Post

  16. :O!!! You got a finished copy of The Immortal Rules, I really liked it!! I hope I get to buy a HB copy >.<
    And If you're reading this, I'm already dead by Andrew Nicholl I want that one!!!! >.< Hope you get to read it!!! Soon!!!
    Alice from Best Books told me she'd get me Lee Nichols' books because I won them but later the author told me that she wouldn't be sending them because I was international...so :/

  17. Great books, I hope you enjoy them all & I look forward to your reviews. I am so jealous of everybody getting The Immortal Rules lol :)


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