26 Apr 2012

Same difference (26)

Incubus by Carol Goodman (AKA The demon lover by Juliet Dark.)
Fairwick chronicles book one and
Crave by Melissa Darnell (AUS edition.)
The Clann book one.

As you can see, both of these use the same model in a forest but are completely different! I like the Green of Incubus but I much prefer the Aussie Crave cover, I love that blue colour and the light shining through the trees and the watermark of a dial around the gorgeous font of the title, Incubus is nice enough but Crave is stunning.

Which do you prefer?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've also seen these and laughed at how samey they are!!
    I think I'd have to prefer Incubus though. I've read both of them (though the UK edition of Crave, obviously), and much much prefer Incubus!!

    Pen to Paper

  3. I don't know - I love that green as well and the font - but the woods look much better on the Aussie cover. I think I'd go with a tie :)


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