4 Apr 2012

Team Erudite - Grab a button

I'm extremely excited and honoured to be the leader for the Erudte faction!
I've made a few buttons for anyone that would like to add one!

I've only found two of my faction members so far and I've heard there are two leaders for each faction, so if you're in Erudite, tweet me! @BookaholicsBkCl and use the hashtags!


  1. WOOT I added one. I am so freakin excited lol :)

  2. Thank you for the buttons I have added one to my blog. Very excited. x

  3. Thanks for the buttons. I've added one to my blog now.

    ** The Pursuit of Knowledge is a powerful thing **

  4. Thanks for the buttons all added :D
    Flippin heck we have some intelligent peeps in our faction :D


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!