15 May 2012

Guest post - Sara King and a giveaway

How I Became a Bookaholic

Though nobody ever really documented when I started reading, it must’ve been sometime before I was 4, because that’s when I started writing stories.  (My grandmother still has Sammy the Snake in her filing-cabinet, complete with 4-year-old signature, date, and author illustrations of what look like curly wads of poop.)
I was an avid reader, starting with (of course), Dr. Seuss.  From there, I graduated to Tamora Pierce (omg…Best.  YA.  Author.  EVER!!) and at 8, I was reading Stephen King and Dean Koontz at the blinding pace of one every couple days.  (Probably not the best reading material for an 8-year-old, but hey, my mom had no idea I was sneaking their novels off to my room…)  I supplemented that with Anne McCaffery, Orson Scott Card, Mercedes Lackey, and Robert Jordan.  I had a rather eclectic taste, but the common thread was that they had to be a character author or I’d quietly make the book disappear.
Books were my life until I was 11, at which point, I decided I was ready to try one on my own.  Up until that moment, I’d been satisfying my carnal urge to write with short stories (one of which got published in a print magazine!) and had a small mountain of them in my closet.  Well, I quickly found out that writing novels was about 100x cooler because I had so much extra time to develop the characters.  I finished my first novel at 12 years old (I’ll spare you the suspense…it really, really sucked), weighing in at about 145,000 words, and from that point, there was no going back.  Looking back, it took about 5 books to really start getting the hang of things.  (Read:  Before the books stopped sucking.)
After that, though, I kept finding myself assaulted by random strangers (usually off of the internet) who wanted to read everything I’d ever written.  Talk about an ego boost…fledgling writers really need those moments every once in awhile to keep them going.  Never did I send out those first 5 books, though.  They are buried deep on my oldest laptops, and I’ve made a point not to transfer them to my new computers, that way, when those random strangers come to me demanding to read everything I’ve ever written, I can hand them my latest ten books and say, “Awww, damn, I can’t send you the first five, don’t have them on my comp, sorry!  (The gag reflex is so strong every time I look at them that I have trouble eating afterwards.)
Over the years, my ‘bookaholic’ status has changed slightly from where it was when I was eight.  Nowadays, I spend so much time writing, editing, and proofing my own and my writing buddies’ works that I have much less time to read (though George R. R. Martin is still my hero).  But, on the other hand, instead of painstakingly scrawling out the adventures of snakes that look like diseased cow-patties, I’m now currently working on my 16th novel and have thousands of readers screaming for my next book.  Makes me grin to think about how far I’ve come…

ABOUT THE AUTHOR:  Sara King was four years old when she wrote her first short story. And, while “Bob the Brontosaurus” and “Sammy the Snake” weren’t exactly enthralling reading material, she thankfully progressed to novels when she was 12. Seventeen years later, she is currently working on her 16th book, the third novel in the Guardians of the First Realm Alaskan Paranormal world. Sara lives in Alaska with her soul mate and greatest fan, David.  If you’re interested in her latest sci-fi, fantasy, romance, or paranormal books, check out her website.
You can also friend her on Facebook or email her at kingnovel@gmail.com.

Three winners will each win one of the following ebooks each.
Wings of retribution all by Sara King.

-The giveaway is international.
-The prizes will be in Kindle format gifted from Amazon.
-The first winner will choose which book they would like and so on.
-Giveaway ends 22nd April 2012.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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