19 May 2012

Showcase Saturday (3)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books biscuits and tea, as you can see I've altered the name for myself as I usually post on A Saturday :)

14th May - 20th May

Uh, sorry about the colour and focus changing, next week I'll stay in one place now I know it will do that!
Books mentioned
For review

And here's a picture of me and Rachel Caine :p

What did you get this week?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was at a Caine signing last week! She's so lovely and funny. :)

    Awesome haul this week! I've heard amazing things about Slated so I hope you enjoy it. :D

  3. Great haul you got this week so many that I am looking forward to reading myself, nearly got some books from the works today and the scorpio races was one of them but I couldnt find a third book as ours is a bit rubbish. Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  4. You got a lot of awesome books this week! I still haven't read The Scorpio Races yet but I really want to and I can't wait to get my hands on The Selection too! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week and here's my IMM!


    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Fantastic haul this week. So many books I want. Enjoy!!! And super jealous of the rachel Caine pic!!!

  6. Very nice haul! I especially look forward to read Slated :D And what a lovely picture! :D


  7. The cover of Slated remind me sooooo much of The Passage by Justin Cronin.

    I'd love a mooch around your bookshelves, any chance of a tour? ;-)

    Where are your bookshelves from? I've been looking at some in Argos, but the very tall ones worry me a little, in case they become unbalnced and topple forward on the kids... you know how sometimes upright furniture can lean?... I'm rambling lol! Great Showcase Sunday!

    1. lol I'm happy to provide a tour anytime!

      I got my shelves from argos, they're part of the Maine collection. I keep them in my room cus I know my kids would try to climb up them lol and becasue the shelves are adjustable they might just slide of if they're pulled at.

  8. oo lots of lovely books. so jealous you met Rachel Caine

    hope you enjoy your new goodies

    Showcase Sunday

  9. Wow!! Lots of great books in there!I have been touch and go about The Scorpio races as well but I am sure I will be picking up a copy at some point to read. Slated is one I recently added to my TBR because I have heard great things so I will be checking that one out as well! Enjoy! :)

    The business cards are pretty!

    You can check out what books I got this week here!

  10. Great haul. I have seen Slated around and even in my local shop but can't decide if I want to read it or not.

    My Stacking The Shelves

  11. Ooh, great books! I haven't read any of these, but I have a few on my TBR list. I really want to read the Robin Hood book (and I'm dying to get my hands on Scarlet), but my library has a bunch of Roger Lancelyn Green books EXCEPT the Robin Hood one. Hopefully they'll get it soon, I love Robin Hood stories.


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