4 Jul 2012

Grave mercy - Review

His fair assassin book one.
Available now.

What's it about?

Young, beautiful and deadly. Trained as an assassin by the god of Death, Ismae is sent to the court of Brittany, where she finds herself under prepared - not only for the games of intrigue and treason, but for the impossible choices she must make. For how can she deliver Death’s vengeance upon a target who, against her will, has stolen her heart?

My review
With the description of the book and Ismae being an assassin of death, I'll admit I expected this book to be 'bloodier' than it was and not so much focused on politics and intrigue, that's not to say I didn't enjoy it, I did, I just didn't quite get what I was expecting.
For me, the book started off really strong and hooked me right in but about half way I found myself getting a little bored as the plot seemed to drag on, but I was involved again by the end.
Ismae was nice enough, but not quite the strong character I wanted her to be, but she did find her way in the end and did what she thought was right. I found Duval to be a much stronger character and really liked him and admired his loyalty.
I thought the book was plotted out well, full of mystery that left me really wanting to know who the traitor was and what was going to happen next. And it was elegantly written, the whole idea was something new to me and I was interested to find out more and to see each persons views on what they thought was right.
Whilst I wouldn't say this is one of my favourite books of the year (so far) I am intrigued to read the next book and see where this series goes next.

My thoughts on the cover
Stunning, stunning cover, I'm a sucker for a great dress and that one is to die for! I love the way the skirt flows out and then the crossbow gives the girl a tougher edge, she's not just a girl in a pretty dress, she's dangerous, I love the castle in the background to.

Favourite quotes
'I pray to Mortain for the insight and clarity to see my way through the thicket of loyalties and alliances that surround me. I pray for the wisdom to discern His will in this matter. and most of all, I pray that I am not falling in love with Duval.'

'"Whenever you are ready, or if you never are, my heart is yours, until Death do us part. Whatever that may mean when consorting with one of Death's handmaidens."'

Find the author


  1. I agree, the plot dragged a little in the middle and I was expecting more action. I really liked Ismae, though, and she was pretty badass most of the time. I was expecting the 'twist', though, and it was quite disappointing when it actually unfolded.

  2. Great review, Mist! I would love to read this one, it sounds really interesting. I thought there would be tons of bloody action in it, that is a bit disappointing. I still think I will give this one a go in the future. :)


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