29 Jul 2012

Showcase Sunday (11)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky over at Books, biscuits and tea.

16th July - 29th July

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I've been kind of mia the last week or so, I've had a lot going on with the summer holidays starting over here. But I've still been getting books and here's what I got for the past fortnight.
I also apologise for the not great pictures, this was also a bit of a rush job, I have got lots of posts scheduled over the next couple of weeks though so watch out for a lot of stuff happening on the blog :)

The universe in 100 key discoveries by Giles Sparrow - You know I'm a bit of a space nerd so I couldn't pass this by when I saw it for less than half price!
Timepiece by Myra McEntire - I had been saving a voucher that Donna from Book passion for life got me for my birthday and I finally decided to buy this after reading Hourglass last weekend.
The dark divine by Bree Despain - I've heard good things and it's been on my maybe list for a long time so I finally picked it up when I found it going pretty cheap.
Once by Anna Carey - I enjoyed Eve and had this preordered for a while so I was excited it came through.
Cinder by Marissa Meyer - LOVED this book soooo much when I read and ARC, I've wanted a copy for my shelf since it came out!
The name of the star by Maureen Johnson - Heard this one is good :)
Graffiti moon by Cath Crowley - I've also heard good things about this one so looking forward to reading it.

I won the whole of the Septimus Heap series so far from Bloomsbury kids over on Twitter which was really freakin exciting! I've been interested in these books for a long time but never got around to buying them and I really like the new covers, they also sent a poster, bookmark and some pins.
I won a preorder of The forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse a couple of months ago from Nat and it came through this week so I'm, of course, excited about it and looking forward to reading it!

All of these books are also from Donna, thank you!
13 to life by Shannon Delany was a RAK and the other three, One night that changes everything by Lauren BarnholdtDead kiss by Daniel Waters and Stolen nights by Rebecca Maizel were books she decided to pass on as she didn't want to read them again or at all.

Fore review
13 by Kelley Armstrong - This one was random, I haven't read the other twelve books in the series :/
The rise of nine by Pittacus Lore - This I did ask for and have been so excited for it I couldn't stop myself reading it straight away! It was good, my review should be up over the next few days.
Unfed by Kirsty McKay - I'm also really excited for this one too. I really enjoyed the first one so I can't wait to read this real soon.

Well that is everything I got this past two weeks.
What books did you get?


  1. Wow, you got a ton of awesome sounding books! I really loved Cinder, too. :)

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  2. Cinder is amazing!! I also enjoyed The Name Of The Star. I really really really really really want to read Once =D

  3. Wow, awesome books! Cinder, The Forsaken, The Name of The Star and Once look amazing. Happy reading! :)

    My Showcase Sunday:

  4. I'm so jealous of 13 I love her writing and I can't wait to see what this book is all about! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week! Here's my IMM =)


    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  5. Awesome haul this week! I have already added a few of them to my TBR list.
    Happy Reading,

  6. Oh, lots of great books!! I still need to read Graffiti Moon and The Name of the Star - they've been on my bookshelf for ages :(

    Happy reading and looking forward to reading your interview! x

  7. Wow - lots of books! And some really good ones too!
    I'm reading Eve right now and I have an arc of Once, so hopefully I'll be starting that soon. I'm loving Eve!
    I bought Cinder when it first came out, but haven't read it yet. It looks so good though and the cover is amazing!!
    The Forsaken looks so pretty - I haven't seen this cover yet! This is another story on my TBR list :)

    You can see my book haul here! :)

    Ashlee / taleswithtea.com

  8. Wow, what a haul! Congrats on the win! I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you with Heaven! I hope you enjoy all these pretties, Mist! :)


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