1 Jul 2012

Sunday treats (9)

Sunday treats is a meme hosted here by me!
Each week I will be treating you to a hunky treat to drool over because after a week of hard work you deserve it!
To keep it loosely book related I'll post pictures of actors that have played roles in films or TV programmes made from books, unless a guys just so damn hot I have to post him anyway!
If you wanna join in then just post your own hot guy and come and link back so I can come and drool look.
I promise no boys were hurt in the making of this post.

And here's this week’s guy.

Josh Duhamel has been in a number of movies, including all three films in the Transformers franchise, none that were books first (that I know of) yet!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Transformer movies! I loved the 80's cartoons too..

    Am I the only who think Optimus Prime is hot? lol!


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!