25 Aug 2012

Showcase Saturday (15)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky over at Books, biscuits and tea.

20th Aug - 26th Aug

Books mentioned
A bag charm from Emma at Bellebooks charms
For review

What did you get this week?


  1. You really had a great week. Come visit me as well. I can't wait for my copy of Defiance to arrive. Come visit me as well.


  2. Defiance looks pretty good. I'm hoping I'll be able to read it soon. I hope you enjoy everything!

    My IMM =)

  3. Where did you get your copy of Grimm's Fairy Tals? I've been after that cloth edition, but it's quite expensive on Amazon.

    I have the Vintage edition, it has a white cover with Rumpletiltskin on the front, it contains every single thing the Grimm brothers wrote, it's mahoosive! :-)

  4. I love the Grimm tales! I downloaded some onto my kindle and was amazed at how many I didn't recognise and how gruemsome some of the original stories actually are! Hope you enjoy your haul this week! :-)

  5. I too got The Kill Order this week. Can’t wait! You must tell me what you think of Defiance. I’m a bit skeptical – and i have no idea why.

  6. Great haul this week! I downloaded Grimm's Fairy Tales onto my kindle but have yet to read them! They look really interesting though! Hope you enjoy all of your new books! Love your bookcases all full behind you in the video too :)

    Here's my Showcase Sunday if you'd like to take a peek: http://lostinthought-becca.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/showcase-sunday-11.html

  7. I really need to read James Dashner, I've heard he's a wonderful writer. Happy reading :)
    Katja @ YA's the Word

  8. Defiance! That's one of the top books on my wish list, I've been hearing amazing things about it. I love the bag charm, it's so cute. Great haul, Mist! :-) x
    Here's mine if you'd like to pop by: http://sweetmarie-83.blogspot.ca/2012/08/hey-fellow-bookworms-heres-my-book-haul.html

  9. Awesome haul this week! Enjoy all these new books!
    Happy Reading,
    My Sunday Edition @ Paulette’s Papers


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!