13 Nov 2012

Set in the UK (4)

'Set in the UK' is a series of posts me and Donna, my UK appreciation month co-host over at Book passion for life, will be running throughout November to highlight books that are set in the UK for you to discover.

When Ted is spotted by a model agency, she can’t believe it. At the same time her gorgeous sister, Ava, is diagnosed with cancer. With her world turned upside down, Ted has a lot of growing up to do, some of it in five-inch platforms. Can she be a supermodel and a super sister? Or will she have to choose between fame and family?

The look is a really fun book set in London about a girl who is 'discovered' by a model agency. I enjoyed this book, though it has a sad tone, it also has its funny moments and emotional ones. You can check out my review here, if you want to find out more.


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!