28 Nov 2012

Set in the UK (8)

'Set in the UK' is a series of posts me and Donna, my UK appreciation month co-host over at Book passion for life, will be running throughout November to highlight books that are set in the UK for you to discover.

The same questions whirl round and round in my head: What does he want from me? How could I have let this happen? AM I GOING TO DIE? 17-year-old Grace wakes up in a white room, with table, pens and paper - and no clue how she got there. As Grace pours her tangled life onto the page, she is forced to remember everything she's tried to forget. There's falling hopelessly in love with the gorgeous Nat, and the unravelling of her relationship with her best friend Sal. But there's something missing. As hard as she's trying to remember, is there something she just can't see? Grace must face the most important question of all. Why is she here? A story of dangerous secrets, intense friendships and electrifying attraction.

Anyone who knows me, knows I loved Entangled, which is another one set in London. It was a deeply emotional book for me, with maybe not the most original storyline but it still tells a great story and I really connected with the main character Grace. You can check out my review here, if you want to find out more.

1 comment:

  1. I loved Entangled but then I love anything Cat Clarke writes!


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