1 Nov 2012

UK appreciation month - Welcome and giveaway (INT)

Hi guys! And welcome to UK appreciation month! Hosted by me and Donna from Book passion for life.

A whole month dedicated to the place we live in and love, the UK.
Throughout November we will be posting tons of guests posts and interviews from great authors, spotlights on books set in the UK and there's also going to be loads of giveaway's but I wanted to open up the month with a giveaway from myself!

Soooo, what am I giving away you ask?
Well two winners will get their pick from the following titles, all are books set in the UK that I have read and enjoyed!

-Two winners will pick one book each.
-Open to anyone The book depository ships to.
-The book cover of your prize may differ to the one pictured.
-You must be a blog follower to enter, other follows for extra entries are optional.
-Winner will be notified via email.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Cant wait for this all month!!! There are so many great British authors and books set in the UK. I read and really enjoyed Scarlett!

  2. I love this idea! It will be awesome hearing from all the British authors as I never know who they are, lol! I liked God Save The Queen by Kate Locke! Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :)

  3. I loved Numbers series by Rachel Ward. Some people didn`t like it, but I loved that it was different and the ideea was toptally original :D

  4. I loved Scarlet by A C Gaughen, The Name Of The Star by Maureen Johnson & Lost Christmas by David Logan

  5. I absolutely loved Entangled by Cat Clarke. I need Torn now :)

  6. Pride and Prejudice is the only one that I remember.
    Thanks for this great giveaway!

  7. I haven't read a book set especifically in the UK. Classics yes, everything by Jane Austen. And Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready includes some bits of the characters in Scotland and Ireland.

  8. I remember one!! book set in England I think. A Vintage Affair by Isabel Wolff, really good I loved it. :)

  9. I'm going to have to say WUTHERING HEIGHTS. Love that book.

  10. I would say Pride and Prejudice is the only one, and of couse, I <3 it!

    Thanks for the chance ^^

  11. I would like to thank you so much for a fantastic giveaway, and a wonderful selection of books that i would love to have the opotunity of reading 2! In response to your question i would have to say classic chick-lit, Fiona Walker's 'The Love Letter' that is set in the UK - the beautiful, picturesque Devon coast to be exsact! Thank you x

    Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk

  12. Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway, all of these books look fantastic :) A book set in the UK that I loved was The Poison Tree by Erin Kelly, it was soooo good!

  13. Definitely Pride and Prejudice! Thank for the international giveaway.

  14. Entagled by cat clarke :)
    thanks for giveaway

  15. I'm currently reading Atonement, which is so beautifully written for such a tragic story.

  16. I loved The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson and Night School by CJ Daugherty

  17. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  18. Pride and Prejudice! There are more but that was the most recent one!

  19. Once and Always by Judith Mcnaught!Loved it! :D

  20. I love the Spellcrackers series by Suzanne McLeod.

  21. Scarlet was a brilliant read! I really enjoyed the retelling of the Robin Hood story.

  22. Entangled by Cat Clarke..
    thx u so much ^^

  23. Wow, so may books. Mostly classics and historical romance. Pride and Prejudice and historical romance from Judith McNaught's are my fave!

  24. hmm i only remember Pride and Prejudice


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