6 Dec 2012

Nail your books (1)

'Nail your books' is something that Cristina at The princess of storyland started where she shows off her book inspired nails.
I spotted the feature over at Books, biscuits and tea last week and thought I'd give it a go myself, I probably won't post every week, more when the inspiration strikes me lol.

So, today's nails were inspired by the UK covers for the Morganville vampires series by Rachel Caine, particularly Bitter blood, the newest arrival which I just finished reading last night and it was awesome.

Here's the cover;

And here's my nails;
(Click on it to see it bigger.)

How to

  • Sally Hansen miracle cure strengthener base coat
  • Rimmel 60 seconds Rapid ruby
  • Rimmel 60 seconds Black out
  • Rimmel Lycra pro Posh trash
  • Sally Hansen Insta-dri top coat
  • Toothpick

-First I started off by applying a couple of coats of base coat, you got to have base! I used Sally Hansen miracle cure strengthener as I have quite weak nails.
-Next I did a red and black gradient, it's much easier for me to point you to this tutorial than try to explain myself how to do it!
-Once that had dried, I used a toothpick to draw the pattern.
-Then I used an insta-dri top coat which really does dry your nails super quick!

This was the first time I'd tried drawing with a toothpick and my second attempt at doing a gradient so its a bit messy but I'm still really pleased with how it came out, I do have my eye on some nail pens and brushes that I'm hoping to buy in a week or two.
Originally I did want to do more a blood spattered effect but I don't know how to that lol.
What do you think?
And if you give it a go come and let me know.


  1. That is really cool. Love it. May give it a try

  2. This is so cool! I just wish I had that much skill in doing my nails. :D

  3. I did my nails this morning, to match Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans, which arrived today :D

    Great nails! Might have to try the gradient thing for myself!

    Pen to Paper

  4. Wow, I love it!! Perfect with that cover too you should do all the Morganville covers lol they have great combination of colors. The UK ones at least.
    Thanks for that tutorial, I always wanted to know how to do that but had no idea how or what was it called haha. Now I have to buy more nail polish and try. I had to stop with my nail polish obsession it was getting out of hand.

  5. So pretty. Wish I could do this. But not allowed to wear polish at work.

  6. This is incredible! It looks so gorgeous :)


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