3 Dec 2012

What I read in... November

November was a pretty good month for me, I managed to get through ten books and I not only reached but surpassed my goal of reading 120 books this year, hooray! Has anyone else hit their goal yet?

Books mentioned
(Links to my reviews or Goodreads if I haven't written one yet.)
The kiss off by Sarah Billington - Review up in a couple of weeks as part of the blog tour

What did you read?


  1. Hi! My name is Michael and I live in Ghana...have been following your posts on facebook! I have recently fallen in love with books but I'm by no means a voracious reader...I'm quite slow at reading...so was just wondering if you got tips for me on how to read faster and imbibe more...Love you Bookaholic!! :D

    PS: I mobile blog here: http://my.opera.com/mappiahduku

  2. Wow you did have a good reading month. I swear I am so far behind I think I have read like 3 books lol! :)


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