6 Jan 2013

Showcase Sunday (31)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea.

31st Dec - 6th Jan

Hi guys and welcome to a brand new year!
To kick off the first week of the year, I received two books, one I asked for and one that was a total surprise.
Firstly, I requested a copy of Dead romantic by C.J. Skuse a few weeks ago so I was really excited when it arrived, I actually started it the next day and am really enjoying it, look out for a cover inspired manicure on Thursdays Nail your books! And I'm on the list for the blog tour which is coming up soon :)
Then yesterday I got a very random copy of House of secrets by Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini, I've not actually heard of this one but it sounds interesting and I'm going to give it a go, hopefully before the release in April.

What did you get this week?


  1. 2 amazing books!! I NEED Dead Romantic, lol!! I hope you enjoy both books, Mist! :)

  2. Would really love to read House of Secrets. Interesting concept and its by Christopher Columbus (director of Harry Potter) too and Ned Vizzini (who wrote couple eps of Teen Wolf) so it's gotta be awesome!

  3. I'd never heard of House of Secrets before, but it looks interesting and that's a pretty cool collaboration between Chris Columbus and Ned Vizzini! Hope you enjoy them both. :)

  4. Dead Romantic looks so good! I hope you enjoy everything you got this week :)

    My IMM

  5. I've never heard of these but Dead Romantic looks pretty neat.

    Here's my Showcase Sunday!


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