Summer book one.Available now
What's it about?
Quiet seventeen-year-old Tess doesn’t relish the thought of a summertime job. She wants nothing more than to forget the past haunts of high school and have fun with her best friends before the dreaded Year Twelve begins.To Tess, summer is when everything happens: riding bikes down to the lake, watching the fireworks at the Onslow Show and water bomb fights at the sweltering Sunday markets.How did she let her friends talk her into working?After first-shift disasters, rude, wealthy tourists and a taunting ex-boyfriend, Tess is convinced nothing good can come of working her summer away. However, Tess finds unlikely allies in a group of locals dubbed ‘The Onslow Boys’, who are old enough to drive cars, drink beer and not worry about curfews. Tess’s summer of working expands her world with a series of first times with new friends, forbidden love and heartbreaking chaos.All with the one boy she has never been able to forget.It will be a summer she will always remember.*Warning*: sexual references, and occasional coarse language.
My review
I hadn't heard of this book until a friend told me the author was looking for more reviews and asked if I would be interested in a copy, which of course I said yes to as it sounded like a fun read. I'm totally glad she choose me as I really enjoyed it.
I loved the whole feeling of summer throughout the book, its something the author managed to capture it really well.
Tess was a great character who has flaws and makes mistakes like the rest of us, to start with she's not thrilled that she's about to have a summer that's not like she'd imagined it but it ends up being the best summer of her life, more elements I liked about this great book.
I actually liked all the characters, I think Tess and her two best friends, Ellie and Adam complimented each other well and The Onslow boys sounded as hot as I expect they are supposed to be, all the fraternal bonding between them was fun too.
The romance between Tess and Toby was a slowly paced out at a good rate so it was completley believable, they weren't declaring undying love after five minutes, the realism is what I liked about this book. I could imaging having had a summer like this when I was younger, if only!
The boys of summer was a wonderful story that leads to a great climax and a lovely little romantic ending, and all with the backdrop of a gorgeous Australian summer, it literally warmed my insides as I read during a cold English winter.
My thoughts on the cover
I even get a feeling for summer from the cover, I really like the colours, the sunshine and the almost kiss.
Favourite quotes
I loved the whole feeling of summer throughout the book, its something the author managed to capture it really well.
Tess was a great character who has flaws and makes mistakes like the rest of us, to start with she's not thrilled that she's about to have a summer that's not like she'd imagined it but it ends up being the best summer of her life, more elements I liked about this great book.
I actually liked all the characters, I think Tess and her two best friends, Ellie and Adam complimented each other well and The Onslow boys sounded as hot as I expect they are supposed to be, all the fraternal bonding between them was fun too.
The romance between Tess and Toby was a slowly paced out at a good rate so it was completley believable, they weren't declaring undying love after five minutes, the realism is what I liked about this book. I could imaging having had a summer like this when I was younger, if only!
The boys of summer was a wonderful story that leads to a great climax and a lovely little romantic ending, and all with the backdrop of a gorgeous Australian summer, it literally warmed my insides as I read during a cold English winter.
My thoughts on the cover
I even get a feeling for summer from the cover, I really like the colours, the sunshine and the almost kiss.
Favourite quotes
'Just when I thought he would trun and leave, he stepped forward, back into the alcove, placed his empty bottle on the table and in one fluid moment, without taking his eyes from me, Toby yanked the fabric back into place, enveloping us in darkness.'
'"I may have been buzzed last night, but I remember everything. I can't promise you that I won't want to drive you home, or kiss you like crazy again. Because I will. I do." His eyes shifted towards my mouth and then back to meet my eyes.
"I like you Tess"'
"I like you Tess"'

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Pushes book up TBR pile :)