22 Apr 2013

Gone - Quickie series review

GoneHunger, Lies, Plague, Fear and Light by Michael Grant. 
What's it about?
(Blurb for book one.)
In the blink of an eye. Everyone disappears. GONE. 
Except for the young. Teens. Middle schoolers. Toddlers. But not one single adult. No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents. Just as suddenly, there are no phones, no internet, no television. No way to get help. And no way to figure out what's happened. 
Hunger threatens. Bullies rule. A sinister creature lurks. Animals are mutating. And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents—unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers—that grow stronger by the day. 
It's a terrifying new world. Sides are being chosen, a fight is shaping up. Townies against rich kids. Bullies against the weak. Powerful against powerless. And time is running out: On your birthday, you disappear just like everyone else...
My review
This is just a quick review of the series as a whole so I can add three of the books to the TBR challenge. I actually read the first two books a couple of years ago and always wanted to get to more but other books got in the way, I finally finished off the series this month when the final book Light was released and completely devoured the last four books in 10 days, they're an average of 500 pages each. The Gone series is easily one of the most imaginative and intriguing series' out there, I cannot praise it enough. Throughout each book Grant comes up with situations I just couldn't see coming and constantly throws new things at the reader I couldn't predict how any one book would start or end or guess the middle for that fact, I was so hooked through each and every edition. I don't think I could pick a favourite from the six, none were weaker than the others as can be the case with a long series, they all had there own place in the main plot and had great pacing and explosive endings. If you haven't tried this series then I urge you to, especially if you've enjoyed books like The maze runner or The hunger games.

Find the author 


  1. 4 in 10 days? Gosh, they must be good! I have been lusting after these books for ages! I might just have to treat myself to the 1st book sometime soon! I'm so glad you loved them all so much! :)

  2. I've been playing around with the idea of reading this series, and now I'm sold! Great quick review!


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