19 May 2013

Showcase Sunday (45)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea.

13 - 19th May '13

Sorry for the lack of video again, I admit, I was just being lazy this week but I did get some books that I'm excited about and here's a nice photo.

First off, my lovely friend Donna (Book passion for life) gave me Acid by Emma Pass which I've heard is great and Dearly beloved by Lia Habel, I haven't read the first but I've had it since it came out so I really should!

The rest of the books, I received for review. Jeff Norton contacted me about the third book in his MetaWars series Battle of the immortal to see if I would like a copy as he knew I enjoyed the first two books when he sent me book two last year, I actually started it the day it arrived and am enjoying it so far and its signed! He also sent me Drummer girl by Bridget Tyler which I'm also really please with as I'd requested it from Templar the day before but they were out of proofs.
I did receive one of the books I asked for from Templar though, The testing by Joelle Charbonneau, another one I've heard is great things about. From HarperCollins I got Interworld and The silver dream by Neil Gaiman and Michael Reeves which sound really interesting. And lastly I also received a children's book for review this week but I forgot to include it in the photo because my son has claimed it, it's Oh no! from PatrickGeorge.

What did you get this week?


  1. Great haul :) I really hope you enjoy these books :) They all sound really interesting :)

    Megan xxxx

    My Showcase Sunday if you'd like a look :)

  2. This is the second time I've seen InterWorld, it kind of makes me regret not picking it up when I saw it at the store. I hope you enjoy your books happy reading!

  3. ACID is amazing!! I really want to read Drummer Girl, it sounds really good :)
    Enjoy your books!

  4. I haven't heard of any of the books you got this week! But some of them look pretty good. I hope you enjoy everything :)

    My IMM

  5. Acid looks great - I adore those tyoe of books when they are done well! :-)

  6. I got the first book in the Metawars series this week as well as Drummer Girl :)

    My Showcase Sunday

  7. I need to read Dearly Departed, too! I have an ARC but never got to it.

    I've been seeing Acid around everywhere lately! I may need to check it out.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews


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