9 Jun 2013

Showcase Sunday (47)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea.

3rd - 9th June '13

Hello! So I didn't get any books last week but I'm back this week with an awesome stack, I would have done a vlog but I only got the majority of them yesterday so there hasn't been time, but anyway, on to the books!
First off, I got two books for review this week, Terminus by Adam Baker, this is the sequel to the brilliant Outpost and third book in the series altogether, I actually started it the day it arrived because I couldn't wait and loving it so far. Revenge wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger was a random book, I haven't read the first but I did enjoy the movie so I'll probably pick this up when I'm in the mood for it.
Next, I went to Simon and Schusters little blogger party yesterday and received all of these amazing goodies!
I also got a tote bag and some Zom-B baby jelly babies. I really can't wait to read these books and actually started The disappeared on the train home and it has a strong start!
C.J. Harper and Sophie McKenzie were also at the event, they both did a little talk and signed copies of their books, it was a really great day and it's always fun to meet other bloggers and the people from the publishers :)

I also picked up Renegade by Cambria Hebert on my Kindle and read it right away, its the last book in the series and was awesome!

What did you get this week?


  1. Those Simon & Schuster books look awesome! I can't wait to read Spy Society :) I've heard great things about Sarah Alderson as well. The only Sophie McKenzie book I've read is Falling Fast which I loved so I don't know why I haven't got round to more of her books yet! Sounds like a great event, glad you had such a good time :D

    Here are the books I got in my weekly round up post

    Have a great weekend and happy reading!

  2. I got Revenge Wears Prada too, had completely forgotten there was a sequel coming out.

  3. Oh wow all these look amazing! What a haul! Terminus looks great, must add it asap! :)

    Happy reading!
    My haul

  4. Really nice haul. Happy reading :)

    new follower


  5. I'm so excited about Revenge Wears Prada! I do have the first book and I loved the film but haven't had time to read the book yet. I'll need to buy the sequel, though. Can't wait :)

  6. Wow, amazing week! I'm certainly jealous of your The Sound copy haha. Happy reading :)

  7. Looks like you got some awesome books this week! I hope you enjoy everything :)

    My IMM

  8. So many books...The Outpost series sounds amazing, I need to check it out. Oh, and I need to finally read my cipy of Renegade I can't wait to see how everything turns out. :)
    Enjoy all your new books
    My Showcase Sunday

  9. Wow, lots of goodies! I haven't read The Devil Wears Prada either, but I liked the movie, too. :)

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews


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