19 Apr 2011

Easter egg hunt - WIN!

I've recently found myself with an extra copy of Matched by Ally Condie and The Iron King by Julie Kagawa, since it's easter I've decided to give them away by having an easter egg hunt!

There will be one winner because it will cost less for me to send both books together rather than seperate (esp if winners are international!) but if you have one of them already you could always pass it onto a friend : )

Sometime on Sunday, probably evening, I will add a new photo album to our Facebook Page it'll be of 50 or so random book covers all taken from our various photo albums, 10 of the pictures though will also have an easter egg in them somewhere. To enter all you'll need to do is email me at bookaholics@live.co.uk telling me which 10 book covers contain an easter egg. Everyone who gets it correct will then go into the randomizer and a winner will be chosen at... well random lol

It'll be running until 30th April and the winner picked and announced on 1st May (Unless I go into early labour then you might have to wait until I get home lol in which case I'll leave entries open)
And yes, it's international.

So whilst your waiting for Sunday why not spread the word and tell your friends about the Bookaholics Easter Egg hunt on this Easter Sunday!! (You can use the little share buttons down below the recommended posts)


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