20 Apr 2011

Wednesdays Worldly covers - Week 13 & 14

Yes, this week it's a double feature because I missed last week. First up is Blutspur (Blood trail) by Kim Harrison. Which here is known as Dead Witch Walking, and looks like this 

Next is Die Stunde der Wolfe (The hour of the wolf) by Carrie Vaughn. Or otherwise known as Kitty and the midnight hour and otherwise seen like this!

So, which do you prefer?


  1. I prefer the international cover for Midnight Hour; but for Dead Witch Walking I'm not very fond of either, I actually prefer the Portuguese cover -> http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7KOSycKKT7w/TV6IKJNrcuI/AAAAAAAAAWA/OsgZoLeQ-Hg/s1600/Uma+Bruxa+Em+Apuros.jpg

  2. Oh that is pretty cool, I didn't come across that one on my search : )

  3. I prefer the first cover of each. Thanks for the fun post.


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!