31 Jul 2011

End of July R.A.K round-up

Book Soulmates

R.A.K is the acronym for Random Acts of Kindness hosted by Book soulmates you can click the picture to find out more but basically you sign up every month that you'd like to participate then you can choose as many people as you like to send a booky gift to just for the sake of being nice!

July was actually the first month I've ever signed up and here's the size of my R.A.K!
First off I sent Frostbite by Richelle Mead to Stephenie at Steph likes books
I also sent Small blue thing by S.C. Ransom to Haley at YA-aholic
And Mistwood by Leah Cypress to Donna and My soul to take to Jessica, both at Book passion for life

Unfortunately I didn't recieve any R.A.Ks to show off, but that's ok, I had a great time sending books that people really wanted to them and there's always August! :)


  1. Thank you so much for Small Blue Thing! (: I cant wait to read it, it looks amazing!!! Like seriously one of the prettiest covers ever !!:DD

  2. Wow! That's so generous of you to send out so many books! I know everyone who got them would be super happy to be able to read them! (:


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