31 Jul 2011

In my mailbox #6

In my mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The Story Siren.

25th July - 31st July
(All book links go to Goodreads.)
Blood red road by Moira Young - I came across this on Amazon and it sounded so good I ordered it lol
Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer - Eeeek
Forgive my fins by Tera Lynn Childs - I got the second book to review last week so I bought the first since I haven't read it lol
For review:
Colours and Shapes - Both these gorgeous childrens books were sent to me from PatrickGeorge, me and Oliver are looking forward to reviewing them this week.
Lottie Biggs is not tragic by Hayley Long and Shimmer by Alyson Noel - Both from HarperCollins, unfortunatley I haven't read the previous books in either series except the first two in The Immortals series which I didn't enjoy to be honest, so I'm not sure yet if I'm going to review these, I might see if the library has the first books then I will or if someone wants to donate them to me lol
Grit city, issue 2 by Ron Gavalik - This was gifted to me from the author, it has my review for issue one in it!!!
I also downloaded these freebie novellas from Rachel Vincent's website

And that's everything I've received this week
What was in your mailbox?


  1. Very nice haul. New follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog. Hope you enjoy them.

  2. I have Pittacus Lore's books on my wishlist, I hope they are good! Pretty impressive stack of books this week!

    Lyrical Reviews

  3. Forgive My Fins looks so good! I hope you enjoy it! Here's my IMM if you want to check it out! Happy reading!

    -Jessica (Peace Love Books)

  4. Great set! Yay for Wolfsbane. And Forgive My Fins. I love the UK covers.

  5. Hey I got Forgive My Fins this week too! Sweet! :) I like the cover of yours better though haha

    New follower!

    You can see my IMM for this week at the link below! Happy reading,

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  6. Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog and mailbox. I like your picks.



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