22 Oct 2011

Becca Fitzpatrick signing

Look, look! That there is Becca Fitzpatrick and on the right is me!
Yes, today myself and Donna and Jess from Book passion for life had the pleasure of meeting Becca Fitzpatrick, since it's my first ever signing I wanted to share it with all of you.
I totally got tongue tighed when I met Becca but she was lovely and sign all three of my books from the series yay She also signed the extra copy of Silence I got for the charity auction in March.
And here is a picture of my copy of Hush, Hush :)
I was going to photograph them but decided on just one instead, since they all have the same in them.

1 comment:

  1. How cool! Love the pic. I've never gone to a signing...the big city where a lot of authors come is only 2 hours away, but I have no way to get there. *cries* So happy for you that you got to meet her and get your books signed. I haven't read any of her books yet, but they're on my list!


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