22 Oct 2011

In Mists mailbox 18

In my mailbox is a weekly meme hosted by Kristi at The story siren
Each week we share the books we got that week.
Here's what I got

17th October - 23rd October

Books mentioned
Stormbreaker, Point blanc, Skeleton key, Eagle strike, Scorpia, Ark angel, Snakehead, Crocodile tears and Scorpia rising by Anthony Horowitz
Higher institute of villainous education, Overlord protocol, Escape velocity, Dreadnought, Rogue and Zero hour by Mark Walden
The dead of winter by Chris Priestly – This is from Donna also.
For review

Slip point by Karalynn Lee - Got this one from NetGalley, it sounds awesome!

This week in review
Dark nights embrace by Morwenna Drake - Guest review by Ninfa
There would've been more but I've been very poorly :(

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. You got so many books this week! I hope you enjoy all of them! Also come check out my IMM!!


  2. Yay! I watched it all while waiting for Isabel to get out of bed. Lol. Awesome job hun! Enjoy! :)

    P.S The Rise of Nine!!! August 2012! :(

  3. You got so many books this week! I hope you enjoy all of them

  4. Great haul! I love the Book People and I met Becca Fitzpatrick this week too. I don't like the UK cover for Dearly, Departed though - the US one is waaaay prettier.

    My slightly massive IMM is here if you'd like a look :)

  5. Wow what a fantastic week! I really enjoyed Dearly, Departed, hope you do too!

    Xpresso Reads

  6. Hmmm... I haven't heard of Slip Point but you're right, the cover is gorgeous, hope you like it! :) I'm reading Dearly, Departed right now, but I'm going super slow haha, it's so long! But very good :)

    You can see my IMM post at the link below!

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  7. I was hoping you weren't too sick to do a video, I'd have missed you! lol Great haul this week, as soon as I saw 'bought' under the video, I thought 'hmm, I thought she wasn't buying books' lol. But then I remembered you saying last week in your vid that you found 9 books for 9 pounds and 'you'd have bought them too', which made me laugh. I need to bump the Carrie Jones books up on my list, I've been curious about them for quite some time. And the Iron Fey series is nothing like Twilight, WTF?? You're right, people might not read it if they think it's anything like Twilight because there are SO many Twilight haters out there! Anyway, rambling lol.

    My IMM: http://sweetmarie-83.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-my-mailbox-week-12.html
    I was going to mention you and your awesome shelves when I was talking about my bookshelves, but then it slipped my mind! ;-)

  8. Oooh I want most of your books
    Here's mine http://headstuckinabook.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-my-mailbox-2.html

  9. Great set! I love Julie Kagawa's books. Can't wait to read Dearly Departed.
    My IMM

  10. I'm a new(ish) follower and I just wanted to let you know that I adore your in my mailbox videos! I look forward to them each week! :)

  11. Oh my gosh, jessi that's so sweet, thanks.
    It's always great to hear when people enjoy what I post, this wasn't my best video cuz I was feeling poorly but hopefully I'll be back on form this weekend :)


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