7 Apr 2012

What I read in... (1)

Welcome to my newest feature, woot! So I saw people do like, end of the month wrap-up posts with the happenings of what they've been doing and I decided I wanted to show you what I've been reading each month and thus the imaginativly named 'What I read in...' was created.
Here's what I read in the month on March 2012.

Books mentioned
Links go to my reviews or to Goodreads if I didn't write one.
Crave by Melissa Darnell 2/5 -Forgot to put this one in the vid cus I swapped my copy, review coming 12th Apr.
Goddess nterrupted by Aimee Carter 4/5 - Review coming 16th Apr.

What did you read in March?

1 comment:

  1. Oh i like this idea. Liking the look of some of those books. i do a weekly rewind instead of doing it monthly. But maybe once I get my new laptop I may do a monthly one aswell.


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