8 Apr 2012

In Mists mailbox (37)

In my mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi at The story siren where we share the books we have gotten.

2nd Apr - 8th Apr

Books mentioned
Hide and peep Thomas - Signed by the Fat Controller!
For review
Insurgent by Veronica Roth - Soooo freakin excited! I'm also an Erudite leader for the release, go #TeamEruditeUK!!!
Under the never sky by Veronica Rossi - All three from the amazing Nat, thank you!

This week in review

What did you get in your mailbox this week?


  1. So glad you like the books :) I cant wait to read your review of Insurgent, cant wait for it to come out!!!

  2. I think I'd freak if I got Insurgent! I'm so excited for you! Have you seen the US cover? Which do you like better?

  3. Hi Misty! OMGosh awesome IMM this week! You're so lucky to have gotten Insurgent :D Enjoy all the books you got in!

    You can check out my IMM video and post for this week at the link below-- Happy Reading! :)

    Lea @ LC's Adventures in Libraryland

  4. Great books this week! Enjoy :D

    Shortskie @ Rondo of a Possible World
    My Mailbox

  5. That's an awesome haul of books! I especially can't wait to see your take on Insurgent by Veronica Roth.

    New follower from:


  6. Awesome books! Under the Never Sky is amazing. I can't wait to read Insurgent. Enjoy!

    My IMM

  7. I'm so jealous of Bzrk! I was supposed to go to one of his signings a week or two ago but theres a bigger one coming up soon that I wanted to save up for! I hope you enjoy everything and thanks for checking out my IMM!

    ~Paige @ Comfort Books

  8. Looks like you have a nice haul for this week!

    Happy reading,

  9. I have Eve as well, but I've not read it yet. Looking forward to it though!

    Also ... loving that you have Madina Lake playing in the background there! I used to go and see them every time they came to England, and I've met them a few times too!
    Not so keen on their new stuff, but loved listening to House of Cards in your vid there ;)

    Pen to Paper

    WHERE to start?
    YES! I'm BACK to stalking your IMM
    and YES Nat ROCKS
    and OMG!!!!
    you got Eve...I actually still aren't as excited as everyone else with Insurgent getting to a lot of bloggers because I haven't read Divergent though...I'm planning on it! Soon! ~crossing my fingers~ AND OMG! Under The Never Sky!! That cover is SO different I think I've never even seen it!
    YES NAT rocks! Once again!!! I saw your auction! Congrats on all that you raised! I really hope that for the next one I'll be able to donate something! ~I don't own a personal credit card~ T_T BUT YEY!!!!!!!
    and can I just say... minute 3:46 of the video OMG!!!!!!! lol
    I missed your accent already! And sorry for being away so long but I've been first, sick like for 2 weeks and this last week was VACATION time but now I'm back! So BEWAREEEEEEE
    Here's my IMM post if you'd like to stalk->http://bookpics-reading2alba.blogspot.com/2012/04/imm-22-oh-cloud-my-book-angels-edition.html

  11. Insurgent!!! Oooh! I can't wait to get my hands on that! Congratulations on being a faction leader by the way, that's so awesome!

    I've read Eve and I think it that although it was simple, I found it enjoyable. Looking forward to reading Under the Never Sky.

    Happy reading!

    Janus @ The Blair Book Project

  12. ooooh you have Insurgent!! **Delivering a cyberglare** I'm DYING to read it. Oh and since I'm supporting #TeamErudite for the US I'll supporting you in the UK, since you are the leader =) and it's a great faction in my opinion. Nuts maybe, but great LOL

    Under the Never Sky, another one I'm dying to read but I prefer the US cover for this one.

    Enjoy Insurgent!! =)


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