31 Mar 2012

In Mists mailbox (36) - Return of the Vlog

In my mailbox is a meme hosted by Kristi at The story siren where we share the books we have recieved.

26th Mar - 1st Apr

What do you think of having music in the backgroud - yay or nay??? Should I keep doing it in future vlogs?
Books mentioned
For review

For review
Bites by Ninfa Hayes - Already read it and it's as awesome as the author herself :)

What did you get in your mailbox this week?

30 Mar 2012

Bites - review

Bites by Ninfa Hayes
Available now.

What's it about?
Tonight is the Midwinter Solstice Ball, the most important night in the Daemonic Court's calendar.
This is the night when new disciples are chosen, when demons come out to play, and all bets are off.
As it happens, tonight is also the night I become Queen.


When the sweet scent reaches me I know I have found what I'm looking for.
My hands reach out in the darkness to the unaware girl.
She's warm and soft and doesn't even get to scream before I'm drinking deeply from her, her struggles too feeble to bother me.
Only the blood counts.
I've never tasted anything like it. Gloriously sweet, thick and strong and full of life.
I drink until the hunger subsides, until the body that I hold so close to me hangs lifelessly in my arms. Only then I see. Only then I recognize it, and the agony ... oh, the agony is more than I can bear.


Irina is about to become Queen of the Daemonic Court and Damon is on the run from his own nature ... where will their paths take them?

Two short stories that will seduce you with romance, danger, sensuality ... and Vampire bites.
My review
I'm already a fan of this authors work being as she's my friend, writing partner and co-owner of the Facebook page for this blog so it might seem my review is a little biased, I am mentioned in the acknowledgements after all! But she knows I would tell her truthfully if I didn't like it because I pride myself on being a honest reviewer... so it's lucky i loved it! :p
The book is actually two short stories so I'll review them individually.

Although I found the multiple time changes in a short story a bit dizzying I still really enjoyed this one, it's a dark, engaging, tale about a guy struggling to find his place in the world... oh and did I mention he's a hot, brooding, vampire? Yum!
I really enjoyed taking Damon's journey with him and I loved how each chapter started with his internal monologue of what he's thinking and feeling, and then is followed with what's happening, it really gave me an insight into what was going on in his head at all times. The ending was so bittersweet, as it made sense but was sad to.

This one was my favourite of the two, for a short story there's a lot crammed in there, but it's not overloading. All the intricate mythology used was just awesome but not confusing and, I don't want to give anything away, but I loved the twist on a very well known tale, it was fresh and really had me feeling for the "bad guys."
Irina is a great character who wants nothing more than her dreary life to be shaken up and boy does it! She suddenly goes through so much and I was totally gripped to see where the story was taking her, she really grows up on her little adventure and I loved how she ended up!

So, in all two really great, wonderfully written stories that any paranormal lover should love!

My thoughts on the cover
This cover is totally gorgeous, everyone loves a stunning dress! I love how dark it is, it captures the tales that are told in the book, that symbol made me curious when I first saw it and now I know what it is, I love it, I also really like that the text is at the bottom so you can see the whole picture.

Favourite quotes
Last of the blood
'I don't know when I stopped caring, and just embraced it; when the last shroud of humanity fled in the face of the being I have become. It feels good not to care.'

'Her lips tremble, and I see such desperation in her eyes that the need to reach out and hold her almost overwhelms me.'

'But really, could you see me as the carpenter's wife? I didn't think so.'

'Like a dark blossom unfurling it's petals, the power envelopes me completely, becoming part of my essence, transforming it until I am made anew.'

Find the author

Truth or dare - Review

Truth or dare by P.J. Night
You're invited to a Creepover book one.
Available 5th April 2012

What's it about?
During a round of Truth or Dare, Abby Miller confesses her crush on Jake Chilson. The only people who know her secret are her friends at the sleepover - and whoever sent her a text message in the middle of the night warning her to stay away from Jake...or else! But Abby isn't going to stay away from Jake, especially not after he asks her to the school dance. As the night of the dance comes closer, some very creepy things start happening to Abby. Someone definitely wants to keep her away from Jake. Is it a jealous classmate or, as Abby begins to suspect, could it be a ghost?
My review
When I read that this new series was the 'Goosebumps for the modern generation,' I knew it had big shoes to fill, I was a fan of Goosebumps in my early teens and still have a stack of them on my shelf so, of course, I was eager to give this a try, even if it is aimed at 9-11 year olds!
Thankfully the book lived up to the claim and I found I really enjoyed it, and I didn't even guess the end! I think it's fantastically written for the audience it's aimed at and made a great guilty pleasure for myself as I'm *ahem* somewhat older than the targeted market *ahem*
It's quite short, I read it in a day, and there's always plenty happening, great for stopping young minds getting distracted or bored and would make a great start for younger readers getting into novels.
I wouldn't necesserily say the story is completely original but it was a lot of fun, and being hauted via text and email is not something I've seen before!
One complaint I do have is that there is no mention anywhere of the girls ages or where it was set so I had to guess at these details myself, but I liked all of the characters, I really felt their excitement at their sleepover at the start and it made me reminise of sleepovers - way - past. The author did a great job of capturing the mindset of the young girls the book follows and I really liked it, I also thought the 'creepy' activities in the back of the book were pretty cool.
I think it's safe to say I'm looking forward to more books in this series, they're a great little escape :)

My thoughts on the cover
I really like this cover, it manages to capture the creepy and the fun angles of the book, I like how the girls hiding and holding a mobile phone which just shows it's for the modern generation. The font is cool to but I don't get what that weird eye thing is all about under the top of the 'C' :/

Favourite quotes
'She grabbed the DVDs off the worktop and followed her friends down the stairs. The awesome sleepover she'd been planning all week was about to begin.'

'A sudden feeling of fear washed over Abby. I know I didn't close the wardrobe door, she thought slowly. Step by step, she walked across the room, her heart thudding loudly in her chest. Her hand started to shake as she reached for the smooth brass doorknob; she dreaded opening the door. Who - or what - would she find behind it?'

28 Mar 2012

Slide - review

Slide by Jill Hathaway
Slide book one.
Available now.

What's it about?
Vee Bell is certain of one irrefutable truth—her sister’s friend Sophie didn’t kill herself. She was murdered.

Vee knows this because she was there. Everyone believes Vee is narcoleptic, but she doesn’t actually fall asleep during these episodes: When she passes out, she slides into somebody else’s mind and experiences the world through that person’s eyes. She’s slid into her sister as she cheated on a math test, into a teacher sneaking a drink before class. She learned the worst about a supposed “friend” when she slid into her during a school dance. But nothing could have prepared Vee for what happens one October night when she slides into the mind of someone holding a bloody knife, standing over Sophie’s slashed body.
Vee desperately wishes she could share her secret, but who would believe her? It sounds so crazy that she can’t bring herself to tell her best friend, Rollins, let alone the police. Even if she could confide in Rollins, he has been acting off lately, more distant, especially now that she’s been spending more time with Zane.
Enmeshed in a terrifying web of secrets, lies, and danger and with no one to turn to, Vee must find a way to unmask the killer before he or she strikes again.
My review
I really enjoyed this book, it's fun and full of mystery at the same time, it took me a long time to guess who the killer was but was proud of myself for guessing before the reveal since the author doesn't make it easy with a whole list of suspects!
Vee is a great character, she's fun and quirky but she's also confused about who she is and what she wants, which I think gave her extra layers. The only little thing that bothered me is that she explains that she's so vigilant in not touching things that belong to other people to avoid 'sliding,' but she touches things by mistake all the time, she doesn't seem as cautious as you'd expect after years of dealing with 'sliding' and trying to stop it from happening.
The concept of 'sliding' though was really interesting and is told in a feasible way, like this is what happens to narcoleptics everywhere but they're all keeping it a big secret.
There are also a lot of emotional parts in the book that I tought was handled really well and Vee does great at being there for her sister when their Dad is not.
The book is written really great and it didn't take me long to finish as I was gripped to find out 'whodunit' I think the author did a great job of taking it down many paths to leave lots of suspects, all with reasonable motives.
I'll definitely be looking for more by this author in the future.

My thoughts on the cover
I really like this cover, it's creepy and has a lot of mystery to it that suits the book, I really like the hands in the eye showing Vee's view of someone else's hands when she 'slides.' I also like the pink hair and the title text.

Sorry no favourite quotes as I read an ARC copy and don't have a finished copy to compare it to :)

Find the author: Website : Blog : Twitter : Goodreads

UK vs. THE WORLD! (17)

UK vs. The world is a weekly meme I made up lol.
It's simlair to UK vs. US except the UK covers are battling it out with their foreign counterparts from all over the world, because who doesn't love judging books by their covers!
If you'd like to join in then make your own post and link it in the linky :)

UK                          vs.                      Spain

Slide book one.
(Called 'Sylvia' in Spain.)

Mist: Hmm I like both covers, the UK cover is totally creepy and suits a fun murder mystery but I love the shock of oink on the Spanish cover. I love them both but I think i'm gonna vote UK because it's cool and I love the hands in the eye.

Ninfa: Oooh, I think I have to declare the Spanish cover the winner! I love the black/purple contrast of the colours and the stylized eyelash is great, the tag line is pretty cool too (translated it reads: "Sometimes you just wish you could stop seeing").
The UK cover is not bad but it reminds me of those cheap 70s style B-Movie posters in a way. I also don't like the tagline, is not as good as the Spanish version. Yep, Spain is the winner this time!

Which do you prefer?

Enter the link to your 'UK vs. The world' post :)

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27 Mar 2012

Try it Tuesday (3)

'Try it Tuesday' is a weekly meme hosted here at Bookaholics where each week me and Ninfa take turns to recommend a book we think you should try and why.
If you'd like to join in, make a post of your own and put it in the linky :)

This weeks pick is:

A need so beautiful by Suzanne Young
A need so beautiful book one.
We all want to be remembered. Charlotte's destiny is to be Forgotten...
Charlotte’s best friend thinks Charlotte might be psychic. Her boyfriend thinks she’s cheating on him. But Charlotte knows what’s really wrong: She is one of the Forgotten, a kind of angel on earth, who feels the Need—a powerful, uncontrollable draw to help someone, usually a stranger.
But Charlotte never wanted this responsibility. What she wants is to help her best friend, whose life is spiraling out of control. She wants to lie in her boyfriend's arms forever. But as the Need grows stronger, it begins to take a dangerous toll on Charlotte. And who she was, is, and will become--her mark on this earth, her very existence--is in jeopardy of disappearing completely.
Charlotte will be forced to choose: Should she embrace her fate as a Forgotten, a fate that promises to rip her from the lives of those she loves forever? Or is she willing to fight against her destiny--no matter how dark the consequences.

Why I'm choosing this book:
I'd seen this book around but was never bothered by it, I ended up getting it completely by chance when I was looking for a new audio book and the pickings were slim. Turns out I'm so glad I did! I loved it so much and ended up staying up until midnight cleaning my kitchen so I could listen to the end of it, I seriously need to get myself a hardback copy for a re-read!

Five reasons I love this book:
1. It's absolutely heartbreaking.
2. It's beautifully written, full of emotion.
3. It's not like something I've read before.
4. A strong female lead, who struggles with what she wants and what is the right thing to do.
5. I couldn't guess at what would happen in the end.

Who I think will love this book
I think fans of contemporary books will love this one, though I guess you could consider it paranormal, it has way more than that to it. People who like to be taken on an emotional ride and read beautiful books should eat it up. I don't read many books like this so I'm not sure what I'd compare it to, maybe because it's in a league of it's own.

I hope this encourages you to pick it up and if you do,
Let me know what you think!

Enter the link to your 'Try it Tuesday' post here :)

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25 Mar 2012

Partials - Review

Partials by Dan Wells
Partials book one.
Available March 29th 2012

What's it about?
The only hope for humanity isn’t human.

In a world where people have been all but wiped out by a virus created by part-human cyborgs called ‘Partials’, and where no baby survives longer than three days, a teenage girl makes it her mission to find a cure, and save her best friend’s unborn child.

But finding a cure means capturing a Partial…

My review
Partials is a great start to a thrilling, new series. I did find it slow to start but it never made me want to put it down, I loved the world building and the political and scientific sides to the story, it was all really interesting, we're walked through it all so it's not confusing but it doesn't feel like reading 'science for dummies' either.
Kira is an amazing character, she's so strong and determined, she's ready to fight and die for what she believes in and that's a quality I have to admire, her drive won't let her just settle for what she has, she goes a long way to achieve what she wants.
As far as 'end-of-the-world' books goes, I think this one has something new and interesting to add to the mix, I really like the idea of the Partials and there is enough information on what happened to throw the world into devastation but not to much.
The plot was full of some great twists, I did guess some but not all. And the climax had me on the edge of my seat flipping the pages to see what would happen.
Dan Wells does an excellent job at balancing all of the elements in this book to make for a smooth, enjoyable read. The writing was easy to follow and made the whole book believable as a future world. The next book is called Fragments and I'm really looking forward to it.

My thoughts on the cover
I really like this cover, the broken city in the background and the barren wasteland around it really refleccts the setting and I love the dark colours and the girl looking out to the city, it's a cool cover.

Favourite quotes
'I am stronger than my trials.'

"I'm serious," said Kira. "I can't just watch children die anymore. I can't just stand there and take notes while madison's baby dies. I'm not going to do it. It's been weeks since she told us, and I've been racking my brain for anything I can do to help, and I think I finally have a workable starting point."

Find the author

Star-shaped pasta soup for the soul

Star-shaped pasta soup for the soul.

When I was a little girl we went on a trip to visit my dad's Auntie and her family.
I don't remember much about it, apart from the long hours in the car, and being totally knackered when we finally arrived there.
One thing I remember though, is meeting my Great Auntie Rosina.
I had never met anyone with DS before, and didn't really understand her condition.
To me she looked very sweet and timid and looking back, I now feel as if she was a young soul in an old body.
I'd never heard of her before. She was my dad's auntie, on his father's side, the youngest, but she lived with her older sister and never really participated in any of the family occasions.
Again, looking back I suppose there was a little shame in having a member of the family that was “different”.
As a child, I didn't see it that way.
Rosina was the sweetest soul you'll ever meet. On the day we arrived with my mum, dad and my little brother, who must've been no more than 4 or 5 years old, she roamed around the kitchen for a bit and produced the most amazing little pasta soup I have ever tasted.
She had made it for herself, and knowing us children would be hungry and tired, she's proudly made some more for us.
I'll never forget her smile as she watched us devour the soup. It was made with tiny star shaped pasta, and she'd added some cheese that had melted, making it creamy and yummy.
For the rest of our visit she was quiet and retired, and didn't really interact with anyone, but then I don't remember anyone else paying her much attention, which is sad.
I know she was well cared for, but I wish that, at the time, there had been more that the family could have done for her.
I don't remember many things from that particular trip, but that soup and my Great Auntie's smile are as clear and vivid today as they were back then.
As an adult today, I know more about DS and have met many incredible people that deal with it every day.
My lovely neighbour has a little girl with DS that loves Doctor Who and playing with dolls; Misty, my friend and Bookaholics General, has Kirsten, a girl with a smile that can melt your heart.
I know there is much prejudice around the world about people with disabilities.
I'm glad I don't think that way and can look at people for who they are and what they do, and not for what they look like.
I'm glad I don't judge anyone because they struggle to complete tasks that “normal” people find simple and easy.
Whatever difficulties there are for people with DS, they are people. They love, feel and they have likes and dislikes, just like everyone else.
If I have a wish it's that I'll always look at people the way I looked at my Great Auntie that day.
She wasn't like me, but she sure made the best pasta soup in the world :)

24 Mar 2012

In Mists mailbox (35)

In my mailbox is hosted by Kristi at The story siren where we share the books we've recieved.

19th Mar - 25th Mar

Fear by Michael Grant - I really liked books 1 and 2, really need to catch up! I hate that stupid sticker they've put on it lol
For review
Endure by Carrie Jones - Haven't read the rest so I'll be reading (and reviewing) the series together :)

So I went to Mira inks first ever blogger party this week along with the girls from Book passion for life and Pen to paper, we had such a great time, got some sneak peeks, had a chat with Julie Kagawa via Skype! and also got some awesome freebies! These are all the books I got there, needless to say I'm deliriously happy lol A few I already have so I'm passing them along to Ninfa.
The iron king by Julie Kagawa - Super special hardback edition! *swoon*
Twisted by Gena Showalter - Really liked the first, not read the second yet.
Goddess interrupted by Aimee Carter - Loved the first! I was already getting this for review for the blog tour next month :)

What was in your mailbox this week?

23 Mar 2012

The power of six out in paperback

Check out this awesome trailer for the new paperback edition of The power of six by Pittacus Lore coming 12th April 2012.
And you can see the cover of the third book 'The rise of nine' out August 30th 2012 at the end, what do you think of it? I love it! And I cannot wait to be reading it!!

YA edition
Adult edition

21 Mar 2012

World Down syndrome day

Today is World Down Sydrome Day so I thought I would post the facts about Down Sydrome for anyone who doesn't know about it and is curious.

Also, I'm running a charity auction this week to raise money for Down's syndrome association, it's international so go check it out HERE if you haven't already, you might be able to grab yourself a bargain!

Causes of Down's syndrome

Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition that occurs as a result of an extra chromosome.


Chromosomes are blocks of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that are found in every cell in the human body. Chromosomes contain a detailed set of genetic instructions that control a wide range of factors, including:
•how the body’s cells develop
•the colour of a baby’s eyes
•the sex of a baby

A healthy person inherits 46 chromosomes from their parents – 23 from their mother and 23 from their father.

Chromosome 21

Down’s syndrome is caused by abnormalities that affect the twenty-first chromosome, known as chromosome 21.
Chromosome 21 can be affected in three main ways, leading to the three main sub-types of Down’s syndrome. These are explained below.

•Full trisomy 21 Down’s syndrome is the most common type of Down’s syndrome, accounting for 94% of all cases. Full trisomy 21 develops because every cell in the body has an extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy is a Greek word that means ‘third copy’).
•Mosaicism Down’s syndrome is the least common type of Down’s syndrome, accounting for 2.5% of all cases. In cases of mosaicism Down’s syndrome, some but not all cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21. The symptoms of mosaicism Down’s syndrome tend to be milder and less wide ranging compared with the other types.
•Translocation Down’s syndrome - is caused when a piece of chromosome 21 attaches itself to another chromosome in a cell. It accounts for 3.5% of cases of Down’s syndrome. The symptoms of translocation Down’s syndrome are similar to those of full trisomy 21 Down's syndrome but, unlike this form of the condition, it is occasionally possible for a parent to pass translocation Down’s syndrome on to their child.

It is thought that some people do not have symptoms of translocation Down’s syndrome but they have altered genetic material that can trigger the condition in their children. These people are known as translocation carriers.
The risk of a translocation carrier passing on the condition to their child depends on their sex (this is due to the way that chromosomes are passed down through families). That is:
•male carriers have around a 1 in 35 chance of passing on the condition
•female carriers have around a 1 in 8 chance of passing on the condition

However, it is thought that most cases of translocation Down’s syndrome are not inherited in this way.
Effects of chromosome 21

The extra copy of chromosome 21 in children with Down’s syndrome leads to many parts of their body not developing properly.
Chromosome 21 is the smallest of all the chromosomes, but it still contains more than 300 different genes (units of genetic material). It is thought that many of the genes play an important role in the development of key functions of the body, including:
•the development of the heart
•the development of the brain
•the development and regulation of the metabolism (the rate at which the body uses energy)

Risk factors

It is not fully understood why some babies are conceived with abnormal copies of chromosomes. However, there a number of risk factors which are thought to increase the risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome.

Maternal age

The maternal age (the age of a woman when she becomes pregnant) is the only clear risk factor to be identified as increasing the risk of having a baby with Down’s syndrome.
The risks of having a pregnancy that is affected by Down’s syndrome increases as a woman gets older. For example, a woman who is:
•15-29 years of age has a risk of 1 in 1,500
•30-34 years of age has a risk of 1 in 800
•35-39 years of age has a risk of 1 in 385
•40-44 years of age has a risk of 1 in 106
•45 years of age has a risk of 1 in 30

However, approximately 80% of babies with Down's syndrome are born to mothers who are under 35 years of age. This is due to the fact that women under 35 make up the majority of the child-bearing population.

Environmental factors

There is some evidence to suggest that ‘clustering’ of new cases of Down’s syndrome does occur. Clustering means that an above-average number of cases develop over a short to medium period of time in one specific geographical area, such as the district of a city, or in a village.
This clustering of Down’s syndrome cases could be the result of chance, but some researchers have suggested that there may be certain environmental factors that increase the risk of the condition. Such factors include:
•exposure to infectious agents, such as viruses, during pregnancy
•using oral contraception
•smoking during pregnancy
•exposure to radiation
•exposure to pesticides
•living near waste-disposal facilities, such as landfill sites or waste incinerators

There is little in the way of hard evidence to support any of the suggestions listed above. However, smoking is known to increase the risk of stillbirth, miscarriage and premature birth.

Further research is required in order to confirm or disprove whether environmental factors play a role in Down’s syndrome
What is Down's Sydrome?
Down’s syndrome is a genetic disorder that was named after John Langdon Down, the doctor who first recognised it as a distinct condition in 1866.

Down’s syndrome affects a baby's normal physical development and causes mild to moderate learning difficulties. It is a lifelong condition that develops when a baby is still in the womb (uterus).
Children who are born with Down’s syndrome also have a higher chance of developing other conditions, some of which are life-threatening. For example:
•congenital heart disease – a general term that describes a series of birth defects that affect the heart
•sight and hearing problems
•Alzheimer’s disease – a common form of dementia (a deterioration of mental abilities, such as memory and reasoning) that often affects people who are over 65 years of age

How common is Down’s syndrome?

Down’s syndrome is uncommon in the UK. For example, from 2007 to 2008, 1,843 cases of Down’s syndrome were diagnosed during pregnancy, and 743 babies were born with the condition. This means that about 1 in every 1,000 live births is affected by Down’s syndrome.
Down’s syndrome affects all ethnic groups equally. Boys are slightly more likely (around 15%) to be born with Down’s syndrome than girls.
The cause or causes of Down’s syndrome are unclear, but the single biggest risk factor for the condition seems to be the age at which a woman gives birth. The older a woman is when she has a baby, the higher the risk of her baby having Down’s syndrome. The greatest risk (1 in 30) is associated with women who are 45 years of age or over.

Routine screening for Down’s syndrome is carried out during pregnancy in order to identify women who are at high risk of giving birth to a child with Down’s syndrome.

If screening proves positive (confirms that the baby has Down’s syndrome), counselling is available to provide support and information, so that the woman and her partner can make an informed decision about whether to proceed with the pregnancy.

The outlook for Down’s syndrome can vary widely, depending on whether a child with the condition also develops any other serious health conditions.
Children with Down’s syndrome are most vulnerable during the first year of their life. About 15% of children with Down’s syndrome will die during the first year, usually from a complication that arises from congenital heart disease.
After the first year of life, the outlook for children with Down’s syndrome improves dramatically. Due to advances in treatment, the average life expectancy for a person with Down’s syndrome is around 50, and this may well improve in the future.
Every child’s personality is different, and it is important never to stereotype a person with Down’s syndrome. However, in general terms, people with Down’s syndrome tend to have warm, gentle and cheerful personalities, despite the day-to-day problems they have to face.

Symptoms of Down's syndrome

The symptoms of Down’s syndrome can affect a person in many different ways. However, the most obvious symptom of the condition is its effect on a person’s physical appearance.

Physical appearance

People with Down’s syndrome tend to have a number of typical physical features. Some people with the syndrome only have a few of these features, while others are more severely affected.

The physical features of Down’s syndrome may include:
•eyes that slant upwards
•small ears
•flat back of head
•small mouth
•protruding tongue
•flattened nose bridge
•white spots on the iris (the coloured part of the eye), known as Brushfield spots
•short fingers
•broad hands with a single crease across the palm
•loose skin on the back of the neck
•loose joints (babies in particular may seem ‘floppy’)
•poor muscle tone (hypotonia)
•low birth weight
•vertical skin folds (epicanthic folds) between the upper eyelids and inner corner of the eye

Learning difficulties

All children with Down’s syndrome will have learning difficulties, which can range from mild to moderate.
One way of measuring a person’s intelligence is to use a type of test called an intelligence quotient (IQ). An IQ test involves exercises that are designed to assess specific capabilities.
The average IQ score for the general population is 100. People with Down’s syndrome have an IQ of 25 to 80, with an average score of 50.

In particular, children with Down’s syndrome may have:
•memory problems – both short-term and long-term memory
•concentration problems – many children have low attention spans
•difficulty problem solving
•difficulty understanding the consequences of their actions

Delayed development

Children with Down’s syndrome have delayed physical and mental development.
Children with Down’s syndrome are usually much shorter than other children their age. Growth continues through childhood but most adults with Down’s syndrome are below average height – around 158cm (5.2ft) for men and 140cm (4.6ft) for women.

With regards to mental development, children with Down’s syndrome usually take longer to reach important developmental milestones, such as:
•learning to crawl
•learning to walk
•learning to speak
•learning to read
•learning the social skills that are used for social interaction

It is important to recognise that a child with Down’s syndrome may still be able to acquire most, if not all, of the mental and social skills that most other people develop. Their development simply occurs at a slower pace.

All information was sourced from NHS.

UK vs. THE WORLD! (16)

UK vs. The world is a weekly meme I made up lol.
It's simlair to UK vs. US except the UK covers are battling it out with their foreign counterparts from all over the world, because who doesn't love judging books by their covers!

UK                          vs.                       France

Zombie book one.
('Un Blog Trop Mortel' translates to 'A blog too deadly.' - According to Google translate.)

Mist: That French cover is creepy and 'Goth' I really like it, I like that it's black and grey with the red 'horror' title, the UK cover is cool to, both have an axe which makes me think there's one in the story lol and I love the tag line, both great covers but I think I'm slightly swayed by the French cover.

Ninfa: Okay, both covers are creepy but I guess it kinda makes sense since it looks like it's a zombie book  :p Again, I think I prefer the UK cover for this one, it's different and I love the colour contrast with the reds and dirty white. Not keen on the French cover, the model with the axe just doesn't interest me, although the make up is quite good, I guess.

UK                             vs.                  Slovakia

('Kým dopadnem' translates to 'While come undone.' - According to Google translate.)

Mist: Hmm both covers are nice but the UK cover is kinda boring, there isn't much to it, a girls face and some grass, blah. The Slovak cover however is different, I love the quirky font with the letters 'falling' and the girl floating in water is just weird, the blue is a lovely colour to, I vote slovakia!

Ninfa: The UK cover is really sweet, I love the expression of the eyes, it's melacholic and dreamy and it really matches the tagline which I also really like. The Slovakian cover is a bit creepy for my taste, looks like the girl has drowned in water...I like the blue colour on it, but it's definitely a UK win for me

Which do you prefer?

20 Mar 2012

Not what I expected

Not what I expected.

My name is Beth and my story lies within the almond shaped eyes of a 6 lb 15 oz baby girl, born August 2011. Born 20 days early, she was not the little girl I expected but she stole my heart anyway. On a hot humid night in early August I went to bed feeling very tired and very pregnant. We were finally expecting our second child after 6 years of waiting for the "right time," to have another. We arrived at the hospital where I would try to VBAC, but was not successful. After several attempts at a spinal and epidural, I had to be put to sleep, which was so disappointing. I was just so happy to finally be meeting my perfect little girl, I didn't really care how they took her out, as long as she was okay.What happened next, I was not prepared for or maybe I was; I always had this nagging feeling throughout the pregnancy that something was different or not quite right, but hearing it said to me outloud just confirmed it and made it all too real. I will never forget the words the doctor said to me as I awakened from the surgery. "They are testing your daughter for Down Syndrome, she had a few of the characteristics." I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, what did this mean, where was my baby, when could I see her, was she okay? I felt like I had just waked up from a coma, everything was so fuzzy, and unclear but I understood what she had said like she hit me in the head with it.After waiting, they finally brought her to me and I felt her warm body in my arms and saw those beautiful almond shaped eyes looking up at me. I was hooked, she was the most beautiful baby girl I had ever seen. I just loved her and knew we would get through whatever this Down Syndrome had to throw at us.What followed was also nothing that I expected, family members didn't react the way I thought, I needed someone to hug me, to wipe my tears, to tell me everything was going to be okay. It did happen, people were there for me that I never expected to be there, it was the people I thought would be there who weren't that was so heartbreaking and disappointing. That night we learned that our little girl had several holes in her heart and would need surgery to repair it in the coming months. I was unsure that I would be able to handle this and felt so sad, so alone, so angry, why my little girl, I wanted her so much, planned for her, did everything right, why oh why God was this happening? I wanted to take her from that hospital and run away, run far away, where there would be no doctors, no nurses, no needles, no tests, just her mother's love, that was all we needed. We faced her surgery in October and she got through it all, all the tubes, all the pain, all of it, I thank God everyday for the doctor's who saved her life. I love her more than words can ever express. Love, such a strange word, but it's meaning beats within my heart, my soul, my whole being, the love I have felt for this little girl is so intense, so wonderful that I needed her, needed her to be around for a long long time, so in order for that to happen she had to have surgery, so it's off to weekly cardiologist appointments and pediatricians, EKG's, blood tests all in the name of love.My little girl was certainly not what I expected when I arrived at the hospital that warm August night, but she has become so much more to me and has taught me how to love and cherish.I am slowly learning to enjoy each day as it comes. She is my little girl, Down Syndrome or not, I will love her and give her a wonderful life.

Deliverance - Review by Ninfa

“Deliverance” (Adult Urban/Paranormal Fantasy)

Book 3 in “The Mortal Path” series
by Dakota Banks

Maliha's back!

Story: Maliha Crane has given up immortality as a Sumerian Demon slave and chosen the Mortal Path, a difficult road to pay off the debt she owes, for the lives she has taken during her killer years.
But now she has a higher purpose, not only can she save herself, but if she finds the fabled shards of Anu's diamond Great Lens, she can destroy the Demons that plague the Earth and save humanity, changing life forever.
This, however, could cost her the thing she prizes the most: her family of friends.
Can Maliha sacrifice the lives of those she loves for the greater good? Or can she find a way to save her friends and still carry on the Mortal Path?
The Demon Rabishu is not the only one on Maliha's trail and more Ageless assassins are ready to strike her down.
Compromises and earth shattering discoveries await her on the path to redemption...

I've been waiting for what feels like ages for the third instalment in the Mortal Path series, and as always, Dakota Banks has delivered an incredible read that I have thoroughly enjoyed.
“Deliverance” is sizzling hot and full of the trademark action that accompanies this fantastic series.
I absolutely loved this book!
I never thought “Deliverance” could top “Dark Time” and “Sacrifice”, but Dakota Banks has managed to add to Maliha's story without making it sound repetitive, something not many authors can accomplish.
“Deliverance” is fresh, fast paced and adds so much flavour and background to the series that I can't help but wonder what awaits us in book 4!
Maliha's growth as a character is still engaging and believable, her choices harder as she gets closer to her goal, as it should be.
Her interaction with her friends and the weaving of different back stories only adds to the incredible tapestry of emotions explored in the book and I enjoyed meeting the new characters (Elizabeth is such an incredible portrayal of pure evil! I just loved to hate her!), as well as getting to know the more familiar ones better.
The plot is outstanding as usual, full of twists and turns and incredible revelations. FANTASTIC.
There aren't many books that keep me guessing until the end but I have to admit the last few pages of “Deliverance” gave me quite the thrill. I simply did not see the end coming and I look forward to the next stage.
Some characters are lost in this book (I will not go into details as I don't like to give spoilers!), but it all wraps up nicely, setting the scene for more struggles to come.
This series is definitely one of my favourites of all time and I cannot wait for the next book!!!
All I can say is:
Wow. Incredible. Love it! Buy it!
And if you haven 't read this series...WHY?!?! ;)

Also from the author: “Dark time” and “Sacrifice”, Books 1 and 2 in “The Mortal Path” series (check out my reviews in this photo album).

You'll love it if you like: Action books packed with thrills and hi-tech gadgets, Urban Fantasy, Mythology based stories, kick ass heroines and awesome storytelling!

If you'd like to know more about the author, or “The Mortal Path” series, head on to Dakota's official website:

or join her Facebook page

Happy reading Bookaholics!

Try it Tuesday (2)

'Try it Tuesday' is our brand new feature cooked up by yours truely.
Each week myself and Ninfa will alternate turns and recommend a book we think you should try and why we think you should.

This weeks pick is:

Book one in the "Balefire" series.

After seventeen-year-old Thais Allard loses her widowed father in a tragic car accident, she is forced to leave the only home she's ever known to live with a total stranger in New Orleans. New Orleans greets Thais with many secrets and mysteries, but none as unbelievable as the moment she comes face to face with the impossible -- an identical twin, Clio. Thais soon learns that she and the twin she never knew come from a family of witches, that she possesses astonishing powers, and that she, along with Clio, has a key role in Balefire, the coven she was born into. Fiery Clio is less than thrilled to have to share the spotlight, but the twins must learn to combine their powers in order to complete a rite that will transform their lives and the coven forever.

Why I'm recommending this book:

Cate Tiernan is mostly famous for her "Sweep/Wicca" series and more recently for her "Immortal Beloved" series. The "Balefire" series is not as well known and yet is one of my favourites. It's full of magic, intrigue, romance and it has a dark edge that makes it different from other Young Adult books I've read.
I love books about Witches and "A chalice of Wind" is a great example of how to keep supernatural characters fresh and original.

Five reasons why I love it:
1)It has a great plot that stretches across 4 books that are really easy and quick to read.
2) It's fun in places but has a dark edge that keeps the story fresh and interesting.
3)It's a book about magic, discovery and personal relationships. The two leads, Clio and Thais are your typical teenagers but there's so much more about them that you discover throughout the 4 books.
4) It has some really interesting characters and some twists and turns in the plot that will surprise you!
5) It's about Witches and let's face it, there're never enough books about Witches in ones bookshelves ;)

Who I think would love this book:
I'd recommend it to both young and older readers who like stories about Witches. Also anyone that loves Young Adult Fantasy books, especially people that like Cate Tiernan's "Sweep/Wicca" series, "The House of Night" series by PC and Kirsten Cast, the "Darke Academy" series by Gabriella Poole and others in the same genre.

I hope this encourages you to pick up the book and give it a try and when you do
Come and let me know what you think!

19 Mar 2012

The auction has begun!

If you haven't heard (then where have you been?) I'm having a charity book auction this week in honor of World Down syndrome day on Wednesday, all proceeds go to the Downs syndrome association.
Head on over to my Facebook page to the Charity auction photo album to get bidding!

But first please read the details below.

-To bid on an item, simply comment on the photo of it with your bid going up in denominations of £0.50p and include your email address (only once) so I can contact you if you're the winning bidder.

-I'm pretty sure you can comment on pictures without 'liking' the page but it's always noce if you want to anyway :)

-The auction is international but please bid in GBP and pence as this is the currency you will be paying in, it will get converted on your bank/card staetment but some banks do charge a small fee for international transactions so you should check this first with your bank if your concerned.

-Once the auction is over on Sunday (25th Mar) you will have until 22nd April to pay for any items you win.

-You can pay for your item(s) straight on my Virgin money giving page so you'll be safe in the knowledge that all the money you pay will go direct to the charity.

-I am paying for the p&p on most items myself so not everything will be sent out straight away as I'll have to spread it over a couple of months to be able to afford it, if you'd like to pay for or towards your p&p and receive priority mailing then contact me to arrange this.

-If you don't see anything you'd like to purchase in the auction but would still like to donate a monetary amount to the cause you can do that using my Virgin money giving page.

-Anything left over or not paid for by the deadline will go on ebay and any money made there (minus ebay and paypal fees) will be paid to the charity.

-Please be aware everything in the auction has been donated by fellow book readers so they are not all brand new, please ask for conditions.

-Feel free to share the auction with your friends and their moms! :p

-Any further questions you can email Bookaholics@live.co.uk or Tweet @BookaholicsBkCl

And that's everything! Happy bidding everyone and thank you in advance for your support!
I may add more items through the week so keep checking back!
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