5 Sept 2012

What I read in... August + RCC wrap-up

Hey guys! Another month gone already!
During the month of August I signed-up to the 'Review copy cleanup' challenge hosted b Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea and Celine at Nyx book reviews. I did really well the first couple of weeks and read six books but I was in a bit of a reading slump the rest of the month and didn't get through anymore and gave up on one book :(

Books mentioned
(Links to my reviews or Goodreads if I haven't reviewed the book yet.)

What did you read?


  1. I'm so glad you liked the Summer trilogy! I've only read the first two, but I really enjoyed them both. Looking forward to the third :D

  2. I keep looking at the Summer trilogy and I'm not sure. I might have to read them!
    Hope you find something that cures you of your reading slump!


Go on, comment and tell me what you think of this post... I dare you!