30 Jul 2012

The rise of nine - Review

The Lorian legacies book three.
Available 30th August 2012.

What's it about?

Until I met John Smith, Number Four, I'd been on the run alone, hiding and fighting to stay alive. Together we are much more powerful. But it could only last so long before we had to separate to find the others ...I went to Spain to find Seven, and I found even more, including a tenth member of the Garde who escaped from Lorien alive. Ella is younger than the rest of us, but just as brave. Now we're looking for the others - including John. But so are they. They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They caught me in New York - but I escaped. I am Number Six. They want to finish what they started. But they'll have to fight us first.
My review
This is a favourite series for me so after squealing for ten minutes after it arrived through my letterbox I couldn't stop myself starting it straight away! I really enjoyed it, though I wouldn't say it was my favourite of the series, whilst it was still exciting, it lacked some of the fire I felt in the previous books, especially book two which really built on the first.
The rise of nine follows the narratives of Four, Six and Marina and I found the girls parts to be the most interesting, I didn't like Four as much as I had previously, he moons over Sarah a lot and him and Nine, who have set off together, seem to often miss the point of what they're doing and get into a lot of fights, all the male testosterone kind of annoyed me. I also really missed Sam, I hadn't realised just how much I liked his and Fours friendship until it wasn't there and I think I might have a little geeky crush on him lol.
Six, as usual kicks ass! And it was great watching Marina develop throughout the book and find a little crush of her own.
Overall The rise of nine was another thrilling adventure full of action and mystery, there were just some bits I could've done without. The Lorian legacies is still one of my favourite series and I'm seriously looking forward to the next book!

My thoughts on the cover
The cover I have shown above is the adult cover and I like it. I really like the way the pattern is made of birds and the white finish. The YA cover shown here is pretty cool too though. (Click on the image to see a larger version.)

Sorry, no favourite quotes as I read an uncorrected proof copy that is not to be quoted from.

Find the author

29 Jul 2012

Showcase Sunday (11)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky over at Books, biscuits and tea.

16th July - 29th July

Hey guys, I'm so sorry I've been kind of mia the last week or so, I've had a lot going on with the summer holidays starting over here. But I've still been getting books and here's what I got for the past fortnight.
I also apologise for the not great pictures, this was also a bit of a rush job, I have got lots of posts scheduled over the next couple of weeks though so watch out for a lot of stuff happening on the blog :)

The universe in 100 key discoveries by Giles Sparrow - You know I'm a bit of a space nerd so I couldn't pass this by when I saw it for less than half price!
Timepiece by Myra McEntire - I had been saving a voucher that Donna from Book passion for life got me for my birthday and I finally decided to buy this after reading Hourglass last weekend.
The dark divine by Bree Despain - I've heard good things and it's been on my maybe list for a long time so I finally picked it up when I found it going pretty cheap.
Once by Anna Carey - I enjoyed Eve and had this preordered for a while so I was excited it came through.
Cinder by Marissa Meyer - LOVED this book soooo much when I read and ARC, I've wanted a copy for my shelf since it came out!
The name of the star by Maureen Johnson - Heard this one is good :)
Graffiti moon by Cath Crowley - I've also heard good things about this one so looking forward to reading it.

I won the whole of the Septimus Heap series so far from Bloomsbury kids over on Twitter which was really freakin exciting! I've been interested in these books for a long time but never got around to buying them and I really like the new covers, they also sent a poster, bookmark and some pins.
I won a preorder of The forsaken by Lisa M. Stasse a couple of months ago from Nat and it came through this week so I'm, of course, excited about it and looking forward to reading it!

All of these books are also from Donna, thank you!
13 to life by Shannon Delany was a RAK and the other three, One night that changes everything by Lauren BarnholdtDead kiss by Daniel Waters and Stolen nights by Rebecca Maizel were books she decided to pass on as she didn't want to read them again or at all.

Fore review
13 by Kelley Armstrong - This one was random, I haven't read the other twelve books in the series :/
The rise of nine by Pittacus Lore - This I did ask for and have been so excited for it I couldn't stop myself reading it straight away! It was good, my review should be up over the next few days.
Unfed by Kirsty McKay - I'm also really excited for this one too. I really enjoyed the first one so I can't wait to read this real soon.

Well that is everything I got this past two weeks.
What books did you get?

28 Jul 2012

Bloodrose - Review

Available now.

What's it about?

Is true love worth the ultimate sacrifice?
Calla has always welcomed war. But now that the final battle is upon her, there’s more at stake than fighting. There’s saving Ren, even if it incurs Shay’s wrath. There’s keeping Ansel safe, even if he’s been branded a traitor. There’s proving herself as the pack’s alpha, facing unnamable horrors, and ridding the world of the Keepers’ magic once and for all. And then there’s deciding what to do when the war ends. If Calla makes it out alive, that is.

Previous books in the series (Links to my reviews)
My review
I really enjoyed the first two books in this series and had eagerly been awaiting the third and final instalment, I was really excited when I received a copy for review, so I really have no idea or excuse why I waited for so long to read it. Maybe I just didn't want the series to end and say goodbye to the characters, either way I really wish I hadn't! In book one we meet a lot of characters, in book two we meet a lot more characters so by book three, after having left it for so long, I struggled for a while to remember who was who, which made difficult reading for me as I was trying to get into the book and figure out who everyone was at the same time, but that's my really my own fault.
I did enjoy Bloodrose, though not as much as the previous books, honestly some of the time Callas indecision annoyed me - *Previous books spoiler warning* - I thought in Wolfsbane her choice was pretty much set, but then we go back to a lot of pointless indecision between Ren and Shay again in this book when, personally, I thought her choice had already been made and was obvious.
I also have to say I wasn't thrilled with the ending, in fact one thing that happened just felt like a cheap way to not have to deal with what would happen next, the rest made sense though I had mixed feelings about it, I was happy and sad for the characters at the same time, if that even makes sense! As you can see, I'm trying to not say too much so I don't give it away and you can make your own mind up.
Generally speaking I did like the book and it hasn't put me off the spin-off series or anything else the author writes in the future, I just think this particular series may have had a stronger start than it did finish.

My thoughts on the cover
Red is always a striking colour and I really like it for this cover, it of course matches the others which is always good and I like it's simplicity, its a nice cover :)

Favourite quotes
'"Do you think being the Scion matters to me if I lose you? Because it doesn't. None of this matters. You're the reason I need to win this war. I'm fighting for you. Not for the searchers. Not for anyone else. It's all for you."'

'"I know what you wanted, Shay," I said, lifting his fingers to my mouth and gently kissing them. "And that's why I love you."'

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19 Jul 2012

Guest post - Adeeb Nami

Me and reading.
By Adeeb Nami from Bookville

For me, I think I've always been a reader, but not a bookaholic until quite recently. I always remember reading Enid Blyton books as a kid. I think my mom always encouraged me to read. Then I went into the world of Harry Potter. I was starting to become a bookaholic. I kept on reading and reading. So when Harry Potter ended, my reading was on hold. I had nothing to read. I didn't know about good books. In eighth grade I think, one of my classmates was reading a Darren Shan book. I was attracted to the cover and asked my friend to borrow the book. He lent it to me, and since then, I'm a devoted Darren Shan fan. Then, I kept checking the bookstores for YA(young adult) books, since I found them quite interesting. Also, I somehow found Goodreads (a site I visit regularly) and a facebook page for books. Eventually I found the "book community". I have many awesome friends and I enjoy lots of my time in this community. This led me to make my own blog =).
Currently, I have a passion for young adult books. I read a little bit of adult fiction too. I'm trying to mix reading genres. I am the book geek in my family. Everyone is shocked by how much I read and think I have a superhuman reading ability hahahaha.

Join Adeeb at Bookville:

18 Jul 2012

UK vs THE WORLD (30)

UK vs. The world is a weekly meme I made up lol.
It's simlair to UK vs. US except the UK covers are battling it out with their foreign counterparts from all over the world, because who doesn't love judging books by their covers!

UK                          vs.                    Spain
('En Otro Lugar' translates to 'In another place.' - According to Google translate.)

Mist: Both of these covers are nice and have a different feel, I really like the pink jacket on the Spanish cover and the cloud with the wings in fun, the UK cover is more thoughtful and gives the book a more serious tone, but since I've noot read it I don't know which suits it the best but I personally prefer the Spanish cover.

Ninfa: Both covers are lovely.
 The UK cover has a lovely and nostalgic quality to it. The horizon over the beach, the girl lost in her thoughts, it's very atmospheric.
 The Spanish version is a little girlier I think, and has the cute cloud with angel wings as well. The look in the girl's eyes seems more determined, as if instead of lost, she actually is purposely going towards somewhere new.
 I think I'll give this one to Spain. Spain wins :)

Which do you prefer?

17 Jul 2012

The glimpse - Review

The glimpse book one.
Available now.

What's it about?

In a near future, society is segregated according to whether people are genetically disposed to mental illness. 17-year-old Ana has been living the privileged life of a Pure due to an error in her DNA test. When the authorities find out, she faces banishment from her safe Community, a fate only thwarted by the fact that she has already been promised to Pure-boy Jasper Taurell.

Jasper is from a rich and influential family and despite Ana’s condition, wants to be with her. The authorities grant Ana a tentative reprieve. If she is joined to Jasper before her 18th birthday, she may stay in the Community until her illness manifests. But if Jasper changes his mind, she will be cast out among the Crazies. As Ana’s joining ceremony and her birthday loom closer, she dares to hope she will be saved from the horror of the City and live a ‘normal’ life. But then Jasper disappears.
Led to believe Jasper has been taken by a strange sect the authorities will not intefere with, Ana sneaks out of her well-guarded Community to find him herself. Her search takes her through the underbelly of society, and as she delves deeper into the mystery of Jasper’s abduction she uncovers some devastating truths that destroy everything she has grown up to believe.
My review
Well from the rating you've probably already guessed, I didn't really like this book :(
So, lets start with the bad first so we can end this review on the positive, what I had trouble with was getting a grasp on the world this book is set in which made it difficult for me to connect with the book and, by extension, the characters. There were times where I just couldn't imagine the setting at all, I found parts predictable and the romance kind of dull.
On the other hand, I think the author has had a good vision of a possible future scenario, in our efforts to want to put a name to everything to better understand it, there is a chance people could go too far and label things like grief as actual diseases and cut a line between "crazy" people and "Pure" people, that was something I found interesting, but I still couldn't quite understand how it worked, because the so called Pure's and crazies were split up, but the crazies were given the city and ran businesses that the Pure's needed, so for some things they're relying on these crazy people, to me this didn't make much sense, surely they'd want more distance than that and to actually push the crazies out of their civilisation, these are the kinds of things I had trouble with.
Generally the writing was good and Ana was a strong character - there were some other characters I liked too - it was the story I didn't enjoy, I guess it just wasn't for me, I'm undecided yet as to whether I'll read the other book in this two book series, but it's likely I'll get curious about how it ends for the characters I have met.

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15 Jul 2012

Sunday treats (11)

Sunday treats is a meme hosted here by me!
Each week I will be treating you to a hunky treat to drool over because after a week of hard work you deserve it!
To keep it loosely book related I'll post pictures of actors that have played roles in films or TV programmes made from books, unless a guys just so damn hot I have to post him anyway!
If you wanna join in then just post your own hot guy and come and link back so I can come and drool look.
I promise no boys were hurt in the making of this post.

And here's this week’s guy.

I think Austin Nicols is probably best known for playing Julian in One tree hill, it's where I know him from anyway lol But after checking out his filmography I see he's been in quite a few things :)

14 Jul 2012

Showcase Saturday (10)

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea.

9th July - 15th July

Books mentioned
For review

So I got some books this week I am really excited about and some others that I am particularly curious about, I also got a few ebooks, I picked up Pride and prejudice and Northanger abbey by Jane Austen for free on Kindle after asking Misty at The book rat where she would recommend an Austen novice start.
I also got Lucid by P.T. Michelle for review, I read the first book, Brightest kind of darkness, last year - also for review - and enjoyed it so I'm looking forward to finding out what happens next.
And since I forgot to mention them last week, I got Charade by Cambria Hebert for review and picked up Between which is a short story that happens between Charade and the book before it, Masquerade, which I also read, reviewed and enjoyed last year.

What did you get this week?

11 Jul 2012

UK vs THE WORLD (29)

UK vs. The world is a weekly meme I made up lol.
It's simlair to UK vs. US except the UK covers are battling it out with their foreign counterparts from all over the world, because who doesn't love judging books by their covers!

UK                        vs.                        US
Wintercraft book one.
(Obviously 'Wintercraft' is called 'Shadowcry' in the US.)

Mist: This is no contest, UK win! The colours are just so much nicer and brighter and the whole cover has a very fantasy feel, especially with the things in the background and the Gargoyles. The US cover in comparison is kinda boring, but I do like the font and the archways.

Ninfa: Oh, I love both of these covers, and they are so similar!
 The UK cover has a very definite Fantasy feel, and I love the title font!
 The tag line is awesome, but I kinda prefer it in the US version...very difficult choice, but I think I'm going to vote US for this one. I really love the archway and the lonely figure in front of it, makes me curious about the plot and what the image represents. Fabulous covers though in both cases, so it's a very marginal win ;)

Which do you prefer?

9 Jul 2012

The selection - Review

The selection book one.
Available now.

What's it about?

Thirty-five beautiful girls. Thirty-five beautiful rivals…
It’s the chance of a lifetime and 17-year-old America Singer should feel lucky. She has been chosen for The Selection, a reality TV lottery in which the special few compete for gorgeous Prince Maxon's love.
Swept up in a world of elaborate gowns, glittering jewels and decadent feasts, America is living a new and glamorous life. And the prince takes a special interest in her, much to the outrage of the others.
Rivalry within The Selection is fierce and not all of the girls are prepared to play by the rules. But what they don’t know is that America has a secret — one which could throw the whole competition… and change her life forever.
My review
I'd heard from a lot of people that this book was good so I was excited to see for myself and really enjoyed it.
It was a really great modern fairy tale that was short and sweet, it had the potential to be dragged out if the author had wanted to but I'm glad she never as I've read a few of those lately and was glad to have something more to the point. I also enjoyed the little injections of what's happened in the past to explain how America has become how it has so I could get a great grasp on the world the book is set in.
This was a quick read for me, but don't let that deceive you, lots happened throughout the book to keep me entertained and it was really interesting to see how America's feelings developed without her even noticing, I chuckled to myself when she was getting jealous and she didn't even realise she was jealous lol.
It was such a fun book and a great idea that was well executed by the author, it was written really well and I'm excited to read the next book - The Elite - where hopefully America will make her decision, I'm really on the fence on the moment and not sure what 'team' I'm rooting for as I did really like both guys and think either would be good for her.
America herself was a lovely character, she does what's right for the people she loves even if it's not always what she wants, she's also caring and a bit defiant which I really liked.
The selection was a superb start to the series and I can't wait for more!

My thoughts on the cover
You probably already know what I'm going to say here: Pretty dress = win! - I am a sucker for a pretty dress cover and that dress is gorgeous, I also like how there's lots of other girls and the flash of pink in the background and how the title is wearing a tiara.

Favourite quotes
'That was all it took. His lips were on mine, and I couldn't think about anything anymore. There was no Selection, no miserable family, no Illéa itself. There was only Aspen's hands on my back pulling me closer, Aspen's breath on my cheeks.'

'With his hand holding my face toward his, Maxon lowered his lips to mine and gave me the faintest whisper of a kiss.'

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8 Jul 2012

Temptation island - Review

Temptation island by Victoria Fox
Available now.

What's it about?
Welcome to Paradise. Only the rich are invited...only the strongest survive. But is it heaven on earth or a devil s playground? Fame. Money. Success. Lori wants them Aurora is being destroyed by them, and Stevie s got them at her best friends expense. These three women are all drawn unwittingly to the shores of Temptation Island, all looking for their own truth. But they discover a secret so shocking there s no turning back. It s wicked, it s sensational. Are you ready to be told? The island promises the one thing money can t buy - but the glittering waters drown dark secrets... The price is devastating.
My review
I have to say, when I agreed to reviewing this book I hadn't realised it was 600+ pages! I think it would've been a great beach read had it not been so long. As it's told from three points of view over a span of three years, it's more like three books in one. It starts with a young boy finding a body on the beach, then goes back to tell the three girls stories and the mystery unravels until we're back to the end to find out who the body was and how they got there.
To be honest, this book was so long, by 400 pages I'd lost some interest in finding out the mystery involving the body and all the other scandals that play out, I didn't find it completely gripping but it had it's moments.
Of the three girls Aurora was my favourite, she truly goes on a journey throughout the book and learns a lot about herself which was interesting to watch/read, I was of course hoping she'd come out the other side more mature and a better person, but I won't tell you if that happens!
Stevie and Lori were nice enough but they just didn't catch my attention like Aurora did, maybe my own rebellious past sparked a kinship with her lol.
It was written well enough and wouldn't put me off trying more books by the author in the future, she did a great job of wrapping all three stories up together. I think I'd have liked it a lot more if it had been shorter or maybe split into two books but I did like it.

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Sunday treats (10)

Sunday treats is a meme hosted here by me!
Each week I will be treating you to a hunky treat to drool over because after a week of hard work you deserve it!
To keep it loosely book related I'll post pictures of actors that have played roles in films or TV programmes made from books, unless a guys just so damn hot I have to post him anyway!
If you wanna join in then just post your own hot guy and come and link back so I can come and drool look.
I promise no boys were hurt in the making of this post.

And here's this week’s guy.

Alexander Skarsgård plays Eric in True blood, the TV adaptation of The Sookie Stackhouse novels by Charlaine Harris, he's been an actor since he was 8 and has been in tons of Swedish shows and movies!

7 Jul 2012

Showcase Saturday (9) - Birthday edition!

'Showcase Sunday' is hosted by Vicky at Books, biscuits and tea.

25th June - 8th July

Sorry for the overuse of the word 'Really!'
Books mentioned
Bought with vouchers/birthday money
Birthday pressies!
Soulless by Gail Carriger - All three from Natalie
Legend by Marie Lu - Both from Patricia @ Patricia's blog
For review

And here are the awesome earrings Donna from Book passion for life got me!

Thank you everyone for my pressies!

What did you get this week?

Before I wake - Review and guest post

The soul screamers book six.
Available 6th July 2012.
What's it about?
I died on a Thursday—killed by a monster intent on stealing my soul.
The good news? He didn’t get it.
The bad news? Turns out not even death will get you out of high school…
Covering up her own murder was one thing, but faking life is much harder than Kaylee Cavanaugh expected. After weeks spent “recovering,” she’s back in school, fighting to stay visible to the human world, struggling to fit in with her friends and planning time alone with her new reaper boyfriend.
But to earn her keep in the human world, Kaylee must reclaim stolen souls, and when her first assignment brings her face-to-face with an old foe, she knows the game has changed. Her immortal status won’t keep her safe. And this time Kaylee isn’t just gambling with her own life….
My review
Once again Rachel Vincent has delivered another brilliant book! I really enjoyed Before I wake and can't wait for the final book in the series, With all my soul, though I will be sad to say goodbye to these characters.
Whilst I'd say If I die is still my favourite of the series, probably because of the shock value it came with, I still really enjoyed this instalment and watching Kaylee and Tod's relationship develop was great to read, even though it did feel very intense at times, I'm glad they have each other and I think Tod is way better suited to her than Nash. It was sad watching Nash trying to deal with everything though and I hope it all ends well for him.
Needless to say I am on the edge of my seat for book seven, where hopefully Kaylee and co will be kicking some demon butt!
The ending of Before I wake was so shocking and heart wrenching and I really can't tell what's in store for a certain character after what just happened to them - I'm trying to not give anything away!
So, if you liked the rest of the series, then pick this up now, you won't be disappointed.
Team Tod!

My thoughts on the cover
Oh, I've said it before and I'll say it again, these covers are gorgeous! I couldn't pick a favourite and I really like this one to, the fire is great as the series is really heating up but I don't know how they'll top it with the last cover!

Favourite quotes
'I ran my thumb over the back of Tod's hand. Just touching him made me feel more...real. More there. More alive.'

'His gaze burned into mine, like he could see past my eyes into parts of me no one had ever seen, and I knew I was seeing the same in him. No one else had ever seen him so vulnerable before, like if I pushed him away, he might crumble into pieces that could never be put back together again.'

Guest post from the author:

How I Became a Bookaholic: Rachel Vincent

I honestly have no idea what fuelled my love of books as a kid, but if I had to guess, I’d say it was having parents who were ALWAYS reading. My parents were still in college when I was born, and though I don’t remember that far back, I’m sure there was a ton of studying in our house. Some of the earliest things I do remember, though, are trips to the library with my grandmother and my mother’s collection of genre fiction. Books were always a huge presence in my life.

My grandmother fed me the classics from an early age. Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, Little House on the Prairie, A Little Princess. Heidi. Nancy Drew. The Hardy Boys. The Swiss Family Robinson. Later, her influence led me to The Bronte sisters and Jane Austen.

My mother, on the other hand, read mostly high fantasy and horror, and I gravitated to those as well. I cut my teeth on Stephen King and Robert R. McCammon, and later moved into murder/medical mysteries. 
Then, when Laurel K. Hamilton began writing the Anita Blake series when I was in high school, my mom fell into those and my love of urban fantasy was born.

I’ve been writing literally as far back as I can remember. I wrote and illustrated my own stories beginning at age five. I wrote short stories all through middle school, high school, and college, and I was an English major in college (emphasis in literature, not writing), so there were all kinds of papers to write and things to read. 

But I didn’t start writing with an eye toward publication until my husband actually dared me to write the novel I’d always talked about, way back in mid-2004. By then, I’d been married for seven years (I married when I was barely 19) and out of college for almost four. It took me ten months to write my first three books, then several months to polish that third (Stray, my 2007 release) with the help of a great mentor. I started querying literary agents en mass in the fall of 2005 and signed with my first literary agent the last week of November, 2005. I did a round of revisions on Stray for her, and she sent it out to six publishers on Jan 2, 2006. We got our first offer 11 days later. Then we got three more.

I haven’t looked back since. ;)

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